Arrest Skin Ageing
“To avoid using fake products, it’s important to gain knowledge of proper ingredients in your creams”
As we grow older, our skin stops producing collagen – the protein that keeps the skin taut and firm, leading to formation of lines and wrinkles. Ageing is a gradual process in which changes occur over a period of time. As the skin acts as the body’s external cover, changes on it are highly visible. However, a lot happens beneath the skin too. Some factors which contribute towards an ageing face include the skeletal structure, fat loss and muscle atrophy amongst others.
A person’s genetic makeup plays a significant role in the ageing process and unfortunately there are not many steps one can undertake to alter this. Amongst the external factors responsible for ageing. most important is exposure to the UV rays of the sun. The ultra violet rays have an extremely damaging effect on the skin leading to premature dry skin which further leads to wrinkles and increases skin ageing. Loss of moisture is another aspect that leads to skin ageing. Some other factors responsible for skin ageing include an unhealthy lifestyle, smoking. irregular food habits, stress, peer pressure, competitive careers and lack of exercise amongst others.
Skin And Technology
The process of ageing has a deep impact on the body and on the mind. But maintaining your youth and beauty does not necessarily mean you need to undergo painful procedures and treatments due to the presence of amazing technologies, achieving perfect features is just a step away.
These are popularly called liquid face lifts dermal tillers and Botox. And by tar, these are the quickest and easiest ways of restoring lost volume to the face or to even rectify problems such as drooping foreheads, a disproportionate chin or ageing hands.
Dermal fillers and Botox can be used on any area of the face. Over time, lines are embedded into the forehead and they deepen as the elasticity is lost. To combat this loss of elasticity, fillers can replace the lost volume that actually translates into wrinkles and lines.
The ageing process is more visible in the cheek area, because the fat deposits inside the cheeks droop and begin to sag making them look hollow. Thus resulting in a naso-labial told. If you are able to reinstate volume in this area, a youthful look will be displayed prominently.
The lips act as an amazing sign of beauty and sensuality and plumping them will add to the much needed charm. Apart from enhancing your natural lips, fillers are also capable of correcting thin, crinkled, inverted or asymmetrical lips.
Though you may take the best care of your face and the lines on it, the neck often gives your age away. Therefore, it’s essential to take care of the neck. Fillers can lilt the sagging skin along with erasing superficial wrinkles.
The hands are also an important part of the body and require proper attention. fillers with an amalgamation of a skin tightening laser and peels can work wonders on them.
Lifestyle Changes And Beauty Products
Certain lifestyle changes that can help one correct and delay ageing of skin, constitutes a balanced diet, a proper lifestyle, regluar intake of supplements, sunscreen, good hydrating agents as well as repair agents.
When dealing with anti-ageing products and treatments it is essential to understand that the aim of any anti ageing serum or cream should be to restore the lost collagen and moisture to your skin.
Nowadays, stores have innumerable creams which claim to reverse the ageing process overnight and improve your skins radiance to resemble that of a 20-year-old Thus, in order to avoid using fake products, it’s important to gain knowledge of proper ingredients in your creams.
Anti-ageing creams usually contain retinol, alpha hydroxyl acids and vitamin C. One should ideally look out for vitamin A derivatives like retinol, retinaldehyde and retinol esters in these creams. And besides using an anti-ageing cream to delay the signs of ageing, a proper routine too needs to be followed. This should include yoga, gymming and other aerobics exercises to help improve blood circulation and purity the body.
A well balanced diet is equally important to have healthy and glowing skin. It should contain the proper balance of vitamins, minerals and proteins. Include large amounts of fruits and veggies in your diet to make the skin radiate like never before, Nuts, cashews and dry fruits also help in nourishing the skin.
With the right combination of diet, exercise, the correct lifestyle choices and a little help from today’s wonder drugs and laser machines there isn’t any reason why you should not look as young as you feel!
Excerpt From The Book ‘No One Has to Know’
There’s never a time that is too late to delay the process of ageing and make those wrinkles wait a little. You can start now, immediately, after you’ve read the last sentence, But you have to always remember why you are doing it in the first place: to make yourself happy. Embrace your decade. Love yourself. Because even when you use the most sophisticated anti-ageing treatments that exist, without self-acceptance and self-love they are of no use. This is the best advice I can ever give you.
Decide To Protect Your Skin
Looking and feeling beautiful clearly reflects on the personality as it doesn’t only boost confidence but also a persons self-esteem. And though ageing is natural with everybody eventually getting to it, the process can be easily slowed down with a better lifestyle and some easy aesthetic procedures.
Skin Damage
The harmful UV rays from the sun is one of the biggest hurdles in our journey to achieve healthy young looking skin. Exposure to these rays lead to premature skin ageing, fine wrinkles, freckles and unhealthy skin and age spots too. These rays damage the fibres in the skin called elastin which causes the skin to sag and lose its ability to get back in shape.
Aim For A Healthy Lifestyle
Skin protected from the sun is 10 years younger in age than it actually is! It’s no secret that a healthy lifestyle is a must to feel and look good. The diet, the amount of water we consume, the sleep cycle that we follow and the physical activities, all shows up on our skin. Pollution too takes a toll on skin causing an uneven skin tone, wrinkles and dark spots further accelerating the ageing process. Also, sudden weight loss due to excessive exercise and weight loss sessions at the time of weddings, can give one sagging skin and stretch marks.
Seek Professional Help
With so many factors contributing to unhealthy skin, we’ve got to step up our game. Natural precautions, homemade remedies, cosmetics and medical measures will surely help to combat the superficial changes on the skin but there are certain detrimental effects that these factors have on our skin which are beyond repair and can only be cured through professional aesthetic procedures.
Non-Surgical Aesthetic Procedures
Methods like Botox, fillers, microdermabrasion. photo facial, organic peel, laser, body sculpting etc. rectify the harm done and give you healthy, glowing and supple skin. These procedures reshape the normal structure of the body, rejuvenate and clean the skin and hydrate the lips in order to improve appearance and self-esteem, Beauty is more of what you are on the inside than on the outside but there’s no harm in looking and feeling beautiful? So, the next time you count the beautiful people in your mind, don’t forget to count yourself!