There are several methods to find the GCF of a number some being simple and the rest being complex. Of all the methods Euclid’s Algorithm is a prominent one and is a bit complex but is worth knowing. Enter the numbers you want to find the GCF or HCF and click on the Calculate Button to get the result in a short period.
Continue reading further to clarify your queries on what is Euclid’s Algorithm and how to use Euclid’s Algorithm to find the Greatest Common Factor. Unlike many other calculators out there, this provides detailed steps explaining every minute detail.
HCF Using Euclid’s deivision lemma Calculator
Here are some samples of HCF Using Euclids Division Algorithm calculations.
- HCF of 196 and 38220
- HCF of 867 and 255
- HCF of 26 and 91
- HCF of 18 and 48
- HCF of 8, 9 and 25
- HCF of 12 and 18
- HCF of 900 and 270
- HCF of 1651 and 2032
- HCF of 12 and 15
- HCF of 45 and 60
- HCF of 54 and 72
- HCF of 108 and 24
- HCF of 60 and 96
- HCF of 20 and 24
- HCF of 36 and 48
- HCF of 90 and 120
- HCF of 12 and 42
- HCF of 15 and 27
- HCF of 18 and 24
- HCF of 45 and 30
- HCF of 18 and 30
- HCF of 54 and 66
- HCF of 120 and 168
How to find GCF using Euclid’s Algorithm?
Follow the simple and easy procedures on how to find the Greatest Common Factor using Euclid’s Algorithm. Go through the steps and find the GCF of positive integers a, b where a>b.
Step 1: On applying Euclid’s division lemma to integers a and b we get two whole numbers q and r such that, a = bq+r ; 0 r < b.
Step 2: If r =0, then b is the HCF of a, b. If r is not equal to zero then apply Euclid’s Division Lemma to b and r.
Step 3: Continue the Process until the remainder is zero.
Step 4: When the remainder is zero, the divisor at this stage is called the HCF or GCF of given numbers.
Find the GCF of 78 and 66 using Euclid’s Algorithm?
Given numbers are 78 and 66
In the given numbers 66 is small so divide 78 with it.
Step 1: On dividing 78 ÷ 66 you will have the quotient 1 and the remainder 12
Step 2: As the remainder isn’t zero continue the process and take the newly obtained remainder as a small number now.
Thus, 66 ÷ 12 you will have quotient 5 and remainder 6
Step 3: Since the remainder isn’t zero continue the process and you will get the result as follows
12÷6 where the quotient is 2 and the remainder is zero.
6 is the GCF of numbers as it is the divisor that yielded a remainder of zero.
FAQs on Euclid’s Algorithm Calculator
1. What do you mean by Euclid’s Algorithm?
It is a method of finding the Greatest Common Divisor of numbers by dividing the larger by the smaller till the remainder is zero.
2. Who invented the Euclid Algorithm?
Greek mathematician Euclid invented the procedure of repeated application of division to find the GCF or GCD.
3. How to use Euclid’s Algorithm Calculator?
You can use Euclid’s Algorithm tool to find the GCF by simply providing the inputs in the respective field and tap on the calculate button to get the result in no time.
4. What is Q and R in the Euclid’s Division?
Q and R mean Quotient and Remainder in the division.
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