Why You Should Include Flax Seeds In Your Diet

Why You Should Include Flaxseeds In Your Diet

Flaxseeds come from flax, one of the oldest fibre crops in the world, known to have been cultivated in ancient Egypt and China. This seed may have also been our first superfood and has been consumed for around 6000 years. Flaxseeds are small golden or brown coloured seeds that are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and other important nutrients.

Nutritional Benefits

High Fibre
Flax seeds come with an extraordinary benefit due its mucilage gum content. It’s a gel forming water soluble fibre that promotes a healthy intestinal tract. Moreover, besides increasing nutrient absorption, flaxseeds are also rich in soluble and non-soluble fibre that helps the human body bi colon detoxifying and bi losing fat.

Weight Loss
According to a study published in the ‘Journal of Nutrition.’ flaxseeds may support weight loss by reducing obesity. The healthy fibre and fats in the flax keeps one feeling satisfied for longer, hence reducing overall food consumption. ALA fats in flaxseeds also help reduce inflammation which is required for losing weight as an inflamed body puts on weight.

Composition (100g)
Energy (kcals) 530
Protein (g) 20.3
Fat (g) 37.1
Carbohydrate (g) 28.9
Fibre (g) 4.8
Calcium (g) 170
Phosphorus (g) 370

Good For Skin And Hair

Adding flaxseeds to your daily routine may benefit your skin, hair and nails. It helps the skin to glow and become healthy by providing essential nutrients through ALA fats and vitamin B that reduces dryness of the skin. This also applies to eye health as flaxseeds can reduce dry eye syndrome. Flaxseeds oil also contains healthy fats which is good for hydrating the skin and hair. By mixing it with essential oils, it can be used as a natural skin moisturizer.

High In Antioxidants (Lignans)

Besides its other nutritional properties. flaxseeds are also rich in antioxidants. Lignans polyphenols provide unique antioxidant benefit to the skin against ageing and maintains cellular health and hormonal balance. The anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties of lignans also protect one from cold and flu – one of the multiple benefits of consuming flaxseeds.

Clinical Benefits

Digestive Health
The ALA present in flaxseeds protects the lining of the digestive tract and reduces inflammation of the gut that proves to be beneficial for people who are suffering from digestive ailments. The fibre properties in flaxseeds works well for total digestive health.

Lowers Cholesterol

A study revealed by the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism’ shows an interesting relationship between flaxseeds and reduced cholesterol levels. According to the study, including flaxseeds in your diet helps reduce cholesterol levels, naturally. This is possible due to its soluble fibre content that traps cholesterol and fat in the digestive system. preventing its absorption.

Prevents Diabetes

There is strong evidence to suggest that consuming flaxseed every day improves glycemic control in obese men and women with pre-diabetes.

Flaxseed Products

  • Flax seed powder
  • Flaxseed oil – is considered to be rich in omega 3 fatty acids. It increases the metabolic rate. making it easier to burn fat, It also improves the function of the liver (the tat burning organ). Flaxseed oil helps the body in production of energy and also significantly reduces the water retention in one’s body.

Flaxseeds Smoothie

1 tbsp – Flaxseeds|
1/2 cup -Soy milk
A few drops – Lemon juice
1/2 cup – Chopped strawberries
1/4 cup – Chopped bananas

For Garnishing
Two pieces strawberries and four bananas sliced, threaded on two skewers.

Combine all the ingredients that include strawberries, lemon juice, bananas. flaxseeds and soya milk. Mix in a juicer till smooth. Pour smoothie into a glass.
Garnish with the strawberry and banana skewers and serve immediately.

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