Nutrition From Turnip
The turnip is one of the most unpopular nutritious vegetables and is often ignored for our day-to-day food because it is generally not a very likable vegetable. However, this vegetable’s nutritive value should not be ignored and it should definitely be included in our diet.
Turnips belong to the Brassicaceae family of vegetables which also include vegetables like cabbage, kale etc. It is a root vegetable that is starchy and round. The leaves and the sprouts of turnips are equally nutritious.
The leaves are called turnip greens and can be added to salads. Though turnips score less on flavour, it can be added to salads, pickles and soups. It can also be cooked, mashed and consumed. Turnip greens add fresh green colour and nutrition to salads and soups.
The Numerous Benefits
- Turnips are a very good source of vitamin C. Two medium sized turnips are enough to meet our daily vitamin C requirement as this vitamin helps in building immunity.
- Turnips also possess properties that lower blood pressure levels because of the presence of nitrates. This dietary nitrate undergoes bio conversion and turns into nitric oxide which is a vasodilator and helps lower blood pressure levels.
- The good levels of antioxidants and phytochemicals in this vegetable help in reducing the risk of cancer. In addition, phytochemicals help the liver process toxins and prevent the development of tumour cells.
- High folate content in turnips enhances our cardiovascular system.
- This vegetable is rich in vitamin K which helps in preventing heart disorders like a heart attack.
- Turnip greens help absorb high amounts of bile which in turn uses excess cholesterol levels thus lowering the risk of cardiac diseases.
- Turnip greens are also rich in fibre which helps keep our digestive system healthy.
- The ample amounts of calcium and potassium in turnip make it the perfect vegetable for bone health. Regular consumption of turnips helps in the prevention of joint damage, osteoporosis and arthritis.
- Turnip roots and greens are excellent sources of antioxidants, vitamin E and beta carotene which fight the free radicals in our body.
- Almost all the B vitamins can be provided by turnips. These vitamins help in improving metabolism and keep our skin, eyes and hair healthy.