Just this week, WhatsApp was seen testing messages that would disappear. Now another Facebook-owned app, Instagram has been seen testing the same. However, the way it would appear on the photo-sharing app is different from what we saw on the instant messaging app as on Instagram, it appears to look like how it works on Snapchat.
The feature called Vanish Mode was first advertised in September as a part of Messenger redesign. The new offering by the company will permit users to send texts, voice messages, photos, emojis, and stickers in the form of disappearing messages (those that will disappear once they are viewed) on Messenger and Instagram platforms
The feature was spotted by reverse engineering specialist Jane Manchun Wong who even posted a small GIF on Twitter to show how the feature may work. Instagram even replied to her tweet confirming that the feature was indeed under development. “We’re always exploring new features to improve your messaging experience. This feature is still in early development and not testing externally just yet!”
There is no timeline as to when this feature will be rolled out to users. Instagram has always ‘borrowed’ features from Snapchat over the years and this may be one of the last remaining few.
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Earlier this year, Instagram even introduced three new options to share Boomerang Stories. These new options — called SlowMo, Echo, and Duo — are in Boomerang stories. Along with these users will also be able to use the edit feature in Instagram Stories which will let you trim their length. This comes in wake of the popularity of the video creation app TikTok.
Yesterday, Wong even reported that Instagram may soon get a new feature that will give users the option to hide Stories from specific people. She even provided a screenshot that reveals how the feature may appear. Users will be able to search the people they want to hide their contacts from and simply select them to hide that particular Story from them. With this feature, Instagram users will get an option to easily select the people with whom they don’t want to share their stories. So far, there is no confirmation on the rollout of this feature.
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