What You Should Know About E-Cigarettes
Smoking is a serious threat to society and it is one of the prime causes of oral cancer. So be aware of its lethal effects. There’s no doubt that those who completely abstain from tobacco are wise, but are e-cigarette smokers smart enough?
A Growing Menace Among The Youth
According to a survey report of one of the leading public health institutes of India, the number of e-cigarettæ users have increased in the past few years and majority of new users are teenagers. As per the survey. only 1.5 per cent high school students were using e-cigarettes in 2011. whereas. by the end of 2015. almost 16 per cent were attracted to it.
Don’t Fall For Advertising Tactics
Electronic cigarettes e-cigs may be the better alternative to paper cigarettes, but are not as safe as people usually think. Unfortunately. people are about the negative effects of e-cigarettes on their oral health because they are marketed to the public as a safer and healthier alternative to paper cigarettes. Remember, a-cigarettes are not as safe as promoted by these major cigarette brands! The truth is entirely different than the image created by marketers and their frequent use can cause many oral health problems and cancer too.
Be Aware Of The Dangers
A majority of e-cigarettes srr.ers don’t know that these cigarettes also contain various harmful chemicals and toxins like propylene glycol. nitrosamines, acetaldehyde. and formaldehyde that destroys the teeth and gums and may even give birth to various kinds of oral cancers. Ironically, no research or study Claims that e-cigarettes are safe and they are the ideal substitute to traditional cigarettes. Despite this. companies are dishonestly attracting new customers through false logic and justifications.
Unfortunately, people are ill-informed about the negative effects of e-cigarettes on their oral health because they are marketed to the public as a safer and healthier alternative to paper cigarettes
Nicotine Is Nasty
Promoters of e-cigarettes claim it doesn’t contain tobacco. Though they are partially right, What about the nicotine which is derived from the tobacco plant? Nicotine causes gum recession and people who often use e-cigarettes are highly prone to ulcers in the mouth, gums and also on the tongue.
Don’t Compromise Your Health
All in all. the temptation to risky things is always dangerous and it is better not to compromise, when there are risks associated with your health. alternatives to smoking without a doctor’s advice is a sensible approach So, instead of self-decisions, always consult an experienced doctor or dentist for healthier results.