Integrate Yourself into An Individual
“Why is it that so many people struggle with liking themselves? And what do you think about the feelings of shame and guilt?”
These concepts and philosophies of liking oneself are floating around all over the world, particularly on the West Coast of America. I recently attended a lecture at Stanford University where the speaker believed that one must be compassionate towards oneself. I countered saying that in order to like, love and be compassionate, two entities are needed. If two entities are created within oneself, you are either schizophrenic or possessed. You either need a psychiatrist or an exorcist.
An individual means ‘not further divisible’.If you made yourself in such a way that you have no friends and are not capable of being alone, you create two within yourself. Don’t play this game. It may be fun initially, but it establishes itself, you will become sick. The line between sanity and insanity is very thin. If you keep pushing it, you will land on the other side and you will not know where you are.
This has happened before where a psychiatric patient called the institute he was admitted in, to ask ¡f he was in his room without identifying himself, only to realize that he had escaped. Once you start dividing yourself, you will not know where you are. You are an individual, who you are should never be divided. You must integrate yourself into an individual. Only one is fixable, can grow. can transform and transcend. It there are two, they will go in two different directions. If there are tour, they will go in four different directions and so on.
Do not try to like yourself. What is there to like about you? Why are you thinking on those terms? Where is the question of liking or disliking yourself? When you look at yourself as just a piece of life, there is neither a need to like nor dislike this most fundamental life within you. If you think that there is only one you, you will keep this well. If there are two, doing makeup foi- both is difficult.
With the ideas of, love yourself,‘believe in yourself’ be compassionate to yourself,’ you are asking for sickness. And if you ask very strongly, you may get it. Do not ask for these things. Therefore, ¡t ¡s vital to understand that you are an individual, you cannot divide yourself, or ¡f you do, you are playing a psychological game where you are asking for insanity to manifest itself.
When you live with those kinds of people, it may seem normal, but when life pushes you, you will go crazy. If life is conducive, you can play these games and somehow get by, but nothing significant will happen in your life because unless you are an individual. you cannot transform or transcend.
Loving and Respecting Your Self
Shame And Guilt
Your ideas of shame and guilt are a social phenomenon. What people feel guilty about in one society, they do not feel guilty about in another society. Shame and guilt are not natural. It is just that certain religions have made you feel guilty about everything. If you list out all the things that are considered sinful, you must feel guilty about being alive, because your very birth is supposed to be sin.
If certain religious teachings were not there, guilt and shame would not exist. If there was no room for guilt and shame, actions would be corrected. Guilt and shame give you a lot of shadowy area In your life where you can do the same wrong things, feel guilty about them, wash your guilt away and do the same things again.
People who have been taught great levels of shame and guilt are the ones who stray because they can fix the guilt every time. Consciousness is one thing, conscience is another thing. Consciousness is the basis of life and existence. Spiritual process is about consciousness, not conscience. Conscience is a socially set up mechanism, usually with a religious basis, which makes you feel guilty about things in your life. When you feel guilty, you become subservient in some way.
You do not need a conscience but need consciousness because consciousness is inclusive which fixes your actions. You do not do things not because you think they are wrong but because you know that you would not like to do them to yourself, so you would not like to do them to someone else. That is all ¡t is. Consciousness fixes you because of your inclusiveness.
Conscience tries to fix you with guilt, fear, punishment and shame. This makes a person feel like a wretch and you cannot expect them to grow when you feel like a wretch. Instilling shame and guilt means there is no interest in the growth, transformation and transcendence of human beings. Guilt and shame come from social conscience, not from universal consciousness.