The Amazing Green Aubergine
“Brinjals are low in calories and fat and are high in soluble fibre content. These veggies also provide some amount of essential micronutrients”
Commonly called ‘baigain’ in india, green brinjal is also known as ‘eggplant’ or aubergine. It is an oval or elongated oval-shaped vegetable, found widely in all parts of the world with different names, colour and varieties. It’s colour varies from white to purple to green, which is majorly because of pigment present in this veggie. Green brinjal is high in nutrients and delicious, if cooked well.
Nutritional Facts
Brinjals are low in calories and fat are high in soluble fibre content. These veggies also provide some amount of essential micronutrients. Though minor changes in nutrients composition occurs with the season, environment of cultivation and its genotype, most of the time it remains same. Here are some amazing benefits of consuming this vegetable.
Brinjal Benefits
Cancer Prevention
The libre content in green brinjal has been found effective in preventing colon cancer as the fibre helps in clearing the toxins present in the digestive tract. Also, the antioxidants present in brinjal help prevent radical damage to cells.
Aids In Weight loss
Being very low in calories and high in fibre, brinjal helps to promote the feeling of satiety and does not let one overeat.
Prevents Risk Of Heart Attack
Being a good source of micronutrients like potassium and phytonutrients like flavonoids and vitamin B6, brinjal reduces the risk of heart disease. It’s rich source of antioxidants and fibre also helps keep the arteries healthy and prevents the risk of heart attack.
Controls Blood Pressure
The presence of good levels of potassium in this veggie neutralises the harmful effects of sodium and thus, it helps in controlling blood pressure.
Prevention Of Diabetes Mellitus
High fibre and low carbohydrate content in brinjal helps in controlling the absorption of glucose from food, thereby controlling blood sugar levels in the body.
Good For Brain And Skin Health
The phytonutnents present in brinjal protects cell membranes, thus preventing brain damage. These also boost memory functions.
Caution Of Allergies
Brinjal is one of the most common allergic food. Hence, the handling or consumption of this vegetable may cause itchy skin, mild headache and stomach upset for people who are genetically predisposed to certain kind of allergic hypersensitivity reactions i.e. a topic. However, thoroughly cooking this vegetable may help avoid the same.
Brinjal Diet: Key Tips To Follow
- It’s better to use a stainless steel knife while cutting this vegetable, as it prevents the chemical reaction between brinjal and metal that occurs due to phytochemicals present in it.
- After cutting this veggie, put it in salt water or sprinkle some salt over it, as it helps get rid of the compounds that produce a bitter taste in it. It also enhances the taste of the dish.
- Brinjal can be added to a variety of dishes like pasta, sambhar, pizza. It can also be consumed in fried sauteed, baked, grilled steamed and roasted form.