Plastic: Learn To Avoid The Damage Plastic Can Cause

Learn To Avoid The Damage Plastic Can Cause

It is a well-known fact that plastic containers release chemicals into the food and liquids when stored in them but we still continue doing so, because of the convenience of storing and packaging food while on the go. We also have been advised against microwaving food in plastic containers or exposing plastic in the sun and yet we still do it.

In spite of knowing that the use of plastic for storing and packaging food is hazardous, we continue using it regularly, maybe because we don’t see the immediate health eftects. We also fail to understand the harm these pretty-looking plastic containers might contribute to, in the future.

The Havoc It Plays In Our Body

Endocrine Disruption
Low doses of polycarbonate with Bisphenol A found in water bottles, have been linked with obesity, diabetes, early onset of puberty. Phthalates (DEHP, DINP, and others) used in plastic wrap and food containers leads to endocrine disruption and changes in the reproductive cyde due to changes in the hormonal balance.

Human Carcinogen
Polyvinyl chloride, used in plastic wraps and food containers can lead to cancer. Polystyrene used in packaging of fish, meat, cheese, yoghurt, throw away tea cups have been linked to cancer of the blood. Polycarbonate, with bisphenol A (#7) used in water bottles is cancer causing. Similarly, polyethylene (#1 PET) is a suspected human carcinogen, it is widely used in soda bottles, chewing gums, heat-sealed plastic containers, plastic bags, food containers, kitchenware, coffee stirrers and drinking glasses.

Respiratory Troubles
Polyvinyichloride (#3 PVC), polyester and phthalates (DEHP, DINP, and others) used in plastic wrap, food packaging and water pipes can lead to chronic bronchitis, respiratory tract infection and asthma respectively.

Genetic Disruptions
Polyvinyichloride (#3 PVC) and phthalates (DEHP, DIN P, and others) used in plastic wraps and food containers may lead to genetic changes and birth defects.

Polyvinylchloride (#3PVC) in food containers may lead to skin diseases, ulcers, vision failure, indigestion, deafness and liver dysfunction. Phthalates (DEHP, DINP, and others) another chemical used in food containers may lead to immune system impairment. Polycarbonate with bisphenol A (#7) used in water bottles may lead to hyperactivity in individuals.

Also, polystyrene used for packaging of meat, fish, yoghurt, cheese and polyester used in food containers may lead to irritation of the eyes, throat and nose and can cause unconsciousness. Moreover, besides causing irritation in our eyes, throat and nose tetrafluoride ethaline which is the non-stick coating in cookware can cause breathing difficulties in humans.

How is Plastic Harmful to Humans

The Alternatives
There are several alternatives that can be used instead of plastic to reduce the risk of chemical infection. Items made from glass, stainless steel and certain types of metals are not hazardous for health and it can be safely used as a container. The alternatives that can be proved best for your health are as follows:

  • Break-Proof Glass Water Bottles
    Break-proof glass water bottles are available in the market. These are break-proof due to its rubber coating and can be safely used as a good alternative of plastic.
  • Stainless Steel Containers
    Steel s a good alternative of plastic and safer to use than any other material. It is lightweight too. So, avoid the use of plastics and use containers that are made of stainless steel. Glass containers are also a good option considering its lid is not made of plastic.
  • Glass or Ceramic Water Coolers
    Glass containers are available instead of plastic ones and many companies are now offering this. So, it’s safer to trade the present plastic coolers with glass ones.
  • Non-stick Cookware
    Ceramic cookware or enamelled cast iron coating is available for non-stick cookware so opt for these instead of plastic.

Plastic Is Here To Stay?

Even though one may try to eliminate all plastic usage from water and food storage, the toxic bisphenol A (BPA) still finds a way to establish itself in our life via some common day-to-day practices and decisions. These are listed here:

  • Most canned foods that we usually buy from the market use bisphenol A (BPA.)
  • Some baby items like pacifiers and bottles too contain BFA.
  • Water bottles made of aluminium are not exactly safe.
  • Nevertheless, things made of stainless steel are normally safe.
  • Canned beer and soda.
  • Many things children use like toys and other products.

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