Copper is naturally self-sterilizing and has a toxic effect on pathogens, even antibiotic-resistant bacteria or super-germs like MRSA. Store potable water in a copper vessel overnight and drink it the next day. The water will also contain enough trace copper for body functions like digestion, wound-healing, flow of sensory information, and providing nutrition to the skin and hair.
Ayurveda has a certain appreciation for copper. It is an important metal in the Ayurvedic conception of the human constitution. Ayurveda uses copper for multiple purposes, including the storage of potable water, to refine minerals for supplementation, and to create yantras for focused worshipping.
Copper was the first metal to be used purposefully by people about 8,000 years ago, and it was the first metal to be refined and purified about 5,000 years ago. Ayurvedic use also dates back to around the same period, and its applications of copper are among the oldest examples of practicing preventive natural health; it may also be the oldest known example of trace mineral supplementation.
1. Destroys Germs
Germs are destroyed when they come in contact with copper, silver, and a handful of other similar metals.
Copper has self-sterilizing properties. Modern science calls this the oligodynamic effect – the inherently toxic effect of certain metals on pathogens. The effect is particularly strong with copper and extends even to some of today’s most resistant bacteria or “super-germs” such as MRSA, which now survive many traditional antibiotic treatments.
2. Prevents Water-Borne Infections
In the past and present, infectious diseases spread through potable water, causing a major threat to public health. So exposing drinking water to copper before consuming it is a simple and effective way to minimize exposure to such infectious diseases.
3. Provides Trace Copper As Nutrition
Storing water in a copper vessel is a simple and efficient means of providing trace copper on a regular basis. These trace deposits of copper are picked up naturally by the water and only in amounts that equal a fraction of a person’s daily recommended intake.
Copper And The Human Body
Copper plays a vital role throughout out bodily system. Modern science recognizes copper’s important role in a diverse range of bodily functions:
- It helps the sensory information flow through the nervous system.
- It is a powerful anti-inflammatory and helps us recover from physical injuries.
- It helps keep our skin and hair healthy and strong.
- It aids in digestion and helps us efficiently process food, resulting in less fat storage.
So Ayurveda recommends it for skin conditions, gastritis, or anemia, and also might consider poor hair or skin as a sign of copper deficiency.
Store Water In A Copper Vessel
There is nothing complicated about incorporating a copper drinking vessel into your life.
Large copper vases have been traditionally used in India to store quantities of potable water for groups or families, which is then poured into smaller containers for meals and individual use. Some people use a simple copper cup or a kalash, a miniature vase.
A simple practice for using a copper container for your drinking water is to fill your copper container at night before sleeping and drink the water the following morning.
Modern-day copper containers diverge from the traditional appearance of the kalash and are built in a cylindrical shape. They are made either with a single piece of copper or with two pieces that form a metal seam, and the mouths are threaded with screw-top lids, sometimes accompanied by a seal to prevent them from leaking.
Many people who first worry that the water might taste “metallic” are soon impressed by the crisp and clean taste that copper seems to impart to the water it holds.
This simple and beneficial relationship between human health and the basic elements of nature is a good example of ayurveda at work, and it is one of many examples where modern science is slowly catching up to ancient wisdom.
So try using a copper vessel regularly for your drinking water, and you may find it to your liking.
How to Clean Copper Bottles?
Clean Copper Bottles: In Ayurveda it is recommend to drink water from a copper vessel. Drinking water from Copper Vessels regularly has many health benefits. Fill the Copper Bottles and leave let it rest for 3 hours. If possible, leave it overnight. Water gets Copper properties and its benefits during this time. Copper kills undesirable bacteria and viruses. This helps in purifying the water.
Copper does tarnish as we use it. It needs to be cleaned to maintain the health benefits and the shine. Here are the top 7 methods:
Method 1: Vinegar And Salt Method
- Table salt and vinegar combinations reduce oxidization from copper bottles.
- Rub in. Keep rubbing the copper vessel to remove any tarnishing and grime.
- Rinse off.
- Polish up with a clean, soft, dry cloth.
Method 2: Vinegar And Salt Method With Heat
- Place 1 tablespoon salt and 1 cup white vinegar into a large pot. Fill with water.
- Place the copper vessel or bottle into the pot.
- Bring to a boil and continue boiling until the tarnish comes off.
- Remove copper vessel. Once cooled, wash with soap in hot water. Rinse and dry.
Method 3: Lemon/Lime Method
- You can clean tarnish off items like copper pots and plates by using lemons.
- Cut two lemons/limes into halves.
- Rub over the tarnished areas until removed. If you want, add salt to the lemon/lime half.
- Rinse and polish. You may rub copper vessels with a scotch brite pad before rinsing.
Method 4: Lemon And Salt Method
- Squeeze lemon juice from one lemon.
- Add salt and mix to form a paste.
- Rub the paste over the copper vessel with a soft cloth.
- Rinse off with warm water and polish. Polish with beeswax for a lasting shine.
Method 5: Salt, Vinegar And Flour Method
- Place 1 tablespoon of salt in 1 cup of white vinegar.
- Make a paste by adding flour gradually. Mix together well.
- Apply the paste to the copper vessel and smear over tarnished areas.
- Leave for 15 minutes to one hour.
- Rinse with warm water and polish.