Physiotherapy For Spondylitis
Spondylitis is the inflammation of the vertebrae and vertebral joints. Some of the common inflammatory conditions of the spine are tuberculosis of the spine, ankylosing spondylitis, cervical spondylitis and lumbar spondylitis.
Software professionals who continuously strain their neck looking at a computer and bike riders who keep their shoulders forward while riding a bike are some people who suffer from cervical spondylitis. People who tend to sit and stand for long periods of time and slouch may hurt their backs and suffer from lumbar spondylitis.
Role Of Physiotherapy
The muscles must be strong enough to take the external load and body weight to protect the spine. The entire body weight should be taken by the musculature and not by the bones, joints or disc, especially when individuals try to perform various tasks throughout the day. Initially, during the inflammatory process, exercises are not recommended as they may aggravate the problem further.
Pain relieving modalities like interferential therapy, transcutaneous nerve stimulation and ultrasound therapy will help the patient get rid of the pain during the inflammatory process. High, medium and low frequency therapeutic currents locally increase blood circulation in the inflamed area and wash out the nociceptive pain stimulus from the region, thus promoting the healing process.
Once the pain comes, exercises are started gradually. Exercising and strengthening the muscles is a permanent solution for all mechanical muscular pains. Flexibility and strength of the muscles have to be maintained so that they are not prone to injuries. The upper back and neck musculature especially needs to be strengthened to protect the cervical spine. And the lower back and core muscles need to be strengthened to protect the lumbar spine.
Precautions To Avoid Cervical Spondylitis
- Avoid using heavy pillows.
- Do not strain your neck by keeping it in one position for more than half an hour.
- Do not do any activity that keeps the shoulders forward for a long duration.
- Avoid using heavy helmets.
- Do not ride a bike for long distances.
- Avoid all activities that increase pain in the neck and back.
Precautions To Avoid Lumbar Spondylitis
- Useafirmbed.
- Do not bend forward too often.
- Do not bend forward and lift weights.
- While getting up from the bed, turn to one side and get up.
- Support your lower back with a firm pillow while sitting.
- Rest one leg on a toot rest while standing.
- When picking up an object from the floor, bend your knees and keep the spine straight.
- Avoid slouching the back when squatting or sitting cross legged.
- Keep objects close to the body so that the weight of the object is equally distributed throughout the body.
Back Extension Exercises
Back extension exercises are done to strengthen the back musculature and strengthening the back musculature becomes very important to avoid mechanical back problems, cases of lumbar disc bulge and also to improve the mobility of the back. Some of the important back extension exercises are as follows:
- Lie on the tummy and raise the head, neck and shoulders oft the floor and hold for ten seconds.
- Lie on the tummy and raise the upper body taking support from the forearms and hold the position for ten seconds.
- Lieonthetummy and completely extend the spine off the floor, taking support of the hands.