Myths About Water Births

Myths About Water Births

A water birth can be that both or at least some parts of your labour and delivery occur while you’re in a pool filled with warm water. There’re many misconceptions about water births that are enough to make some moms-to-be scared, but most of these are untrue! We dispel some of the most common misconceptions.

Your Baby Will Drown

The baby is connected to the placenta through the umbilical cord immediately after birth. It provides him/her with all the oxygen s/he needs, and s/he won’t try to take a breath, when under water. Only once the new-born is away from the water, the lungs are utilized to breathe.

Water Births Are More Painful

In reality, water births are said to be less painful as the warm water can act as a natural pain reliever. It can also help in keeping the mother calm and relaxed during contractions.

Causes More Vaginal Tearing

In reality, water births actually offer lower rates of vaginal tearing and perineal trauma than non-water births. It happens due to the added elasticity provided by water. Water immersion has also proved to help relax the pelvic floor that ultimately helps in the descent as well as in pushing out the baby.

You Have To Be Young For A Water Birth

There’s no age restriction for when a woman can have a water birth. Instead, your doctor will assess the health of both you and your baby and help you make an informed decision.

Some of the factors that may prevent you from having a water birth include excessive bleeding, maternal infection or other complications that may make water birth unsafe for both of you. So if you’re planning to have a water birth, go ahead, but remember to get it done under the watchful eye of an adept health care provider.

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