Dental Myths and Realities
To brush your teeth twice a day and visit your dentist once in every six months is the most common dental healthcare advice given. However, not all advice is reliable. A number of opinions driven ¡rito the minds of people on dentistry are actually myths. Let’s have a look at some of the most common ones that have been misleading us to believe in them.
Myth 1 – A Fallen Or Broken Tooth Grows Again
Reality – Once a tooth falls off, it does not grow again. It can be replaced only with an artificial tooth. Similarly, if a piece is lost from the tooth due to some damage, it cannot regenerate the lost part. However, there are various treatment options available that can help solve the problem. Also, in the case of sports, the necessary precautions which include using a mouth guard can be emphasised upon, to prevent any trauma to the teeth.
Myth 2 – Scaling Increases Gaps Between The Teeth
Reality: The food we eat. gets accumulated and over a period of time forms hardened masses called calculus on the surface of the teeth. This hardened mass affects the bone around the tooth and erodes it. When scaling (cleaning done using scalers) is done and the calculus is removed, these spaces caused by erosion are exposed. People tend to think that these gaps are formed as a result of scaling. Periodic scaling of teeth, recommended once in six months, helps keep the teeth and gums healthier.
Myth 3 Milk Teeth Fall Off And Hence Do Not Require Mijrh Attønfip
Reality – Below the milk teeth, inside the gums are embedded the buds of the permanent teeth. When the milk tooth decays and falls off, it affects the emerging new permanent teeth. The crown of the permanent tooth can be affected or the tooth itself can move to a different position and may lead to malocclusions at later stages of development.
Myth 4 – Eating More Sugar Causes Tooth Decay
Reality – It is not the quantity of sugar that escalates formation of cavities in teeth but the amount of time that the bacteria in the teeth come in contact with the sugar to produce acids that actually matter in cavity formation. Therefore, you should rinse your mouth after consuming sugary or sticky food to prevent cavity formation.
Myth 5 – Longer And Vigorous Brushing Keeps Teeth Healthier
Reality – Brushing the teeth in a rigorous manner does not make teeth healthier. Instead it abrades the surface of the enamel. Not only does it affect the enamel of the teeth, it also affects the gums. Normal brushing should be done in a gentle manner using proper techniques for only two minutes. Go through the follow article on how to clean your tootbursh.
Myth 6 – Cavities Can Wait
Reality – Cavities can never wait. What starts oft as a brown spot or mark on the tooth can actually deepen and form a cavity, If not treated in time, the same may affect the pulpal canal and reach the tip of the tooth, making it mandatory for a root canal treatment for survival of the tooth or extraction of the tooth. Hence, it is always important to get cavities treated at the earliest.
Myth 7 – The Whiter The Teeth, The Healthier It Is
Reality – The natural colour of teeth vanes between people. Whiter teeth do not necessarily mean they are in a very healthy state. There might be cavities present in the contact points between two teeth. Whiter teeth may not necessarily reflect healthy gums either. Similarly, lesser shades of white do not mean the teeth are unhealthy. Teeth have a tendency to get discoloured as they age, mainly due to intake of coloured food, other habits etc.