The Nutritional Goodness Of Exotic Vegetables
Some exotic vegetables are packed with beautiful vitamins and minerals which add up to their nutritional content. The term ‘exotic vegetables’ refers to those veggies which are not grown on our land or are exported from another country. These exotic vegetables come with hidden nutritional properties that are extremely beneficial to our health. Here are some hidden nutritional properties of certain exotic vegetables.
Red Kuri Squash
This vegetable is a rich source of vitamin B6 required for the smooth functioning of the immune and nervous system, potassium for healthy bones, folate to prevent birth related defects of the spinal cord and brain, carotenoids serve as protection against heart ailments and cancer and lastly, beta carotene which the body automatically transforms in vitamin A. Thus, this vegetable is a complete powerhouse of nutrients.
Bok Choy
This is a member of the Chinese cabbage family but doesn’t look like one. Bok choy is widely used in oriental cuisine. A cup of bok choy is known to have nine calories and hardly any fat. It also delivers dietary fibre, essentials minerals, proteins and vitamins. The best way to enjoy this exotic vegetable is to add it to your soups, stir-fried noodles or rice.
Irish Potatoes
These exotic potatoes contain minerals and vitamins accompanied with phytochemicals like natural phenols and carotenoids. An average sized potato with its skin gives potassium, vitamin C, B6 and some amount of vitamin B complex, magnesium, niacin, folate, zinc, iron and phosphorus. The best way to consume this potato is in the form of baked potatoes or roasted potatoes.
Black Spanish Radish
This a rich source of antioxidants, vitamin B complex, zinc and phosphorus. Consuming the juice of this vegetable or eating it in boiled form, helps you get healthy skin and hair. It boosts liver health too.
Fava Beans
These are nutrition-dense beans and also go with the name of broad beans. They are infamous for the lack of cholesterol or saturated fat and contain high quantities of vitamin K. thiamine, vitamin B6, copper, potassium, zinc, magnesium and selenium. It is also a pocket friendly source of lean proteins. The best way to eat these beans is in boiled form added to a salad or as a post-workout meal.