For you to embrace a vital existence, it is crucial that you are able to bring a balance in your physical, mental and emotional health. Good nutrition with its arsenal of energy boosting nutrients, fatigue fighting foods and smart eating strategies ensures a sense of general well-being, thus facilitating an easy flow of vital energy through your body systems.

The word ‘vitality’ elicits unique connotations. Some relate ‘vitality’ to physical strength and activity, some to mental vigour and cognitive abilities and many to both. The concept of vitality (‘vita’ means lite) has been referred in ancient practices as prana’ (Ayurveda), ‘chi’( Chinese) or as baayu’ (Balinese) – all referring to the underlying vital’ force or the energy within you that must be enhanced to lead a long, active and healthy life.

The crux of a perfect diet for vitality lies in maintaining a disciplined eating schedule, having regular breakfast and healthy snacks. drinking enough fluids and including sustained sources of energy through the day. No matter how demanding your profession is or how tiring and stressful your days get, trust these top ‘vitality’ improving foods and diet tips to help you live your life to the fullest without weariness and exhaustion.

Feeling tired and frazzled? Opt for a handful of nutrient dense and antioxidant-rich walnuts to rev up your energy levels. Packed with healthy omega 3 fatty acids, proteins, vitamin E and minerals such as magnesium, copper, calcium and potassium, walnuts are top picks as long lasting energy foods.

A nutritional powerhouse, spinach is rich in fibre, iron, folic acid, vitamin A, C and K, calcium and manganese. These nutrients, especially iron is crucial for transporting oxygen to the tissues and restoring energy and vitality.

Lentils provide the perfect combination of protein. complex carbohydrates, fibre, B complex vitamins and minerals that work in synergy to boost energy, step up immunity and prevent mid-evening sluggishness.

Dehydration coupled with cups of caffeine is often the real culprit for tired muscles and weary minds. Melons such as watermelons and muskmelons are excellent rehydrating agents with ninety per cent of their weight coming from water. Savour them fresh as juices or in salads.

Wheatgrass Juice
Rejuvenate your body with a glass of freshly prepared wheatgrass juice. Rich in iron, calcium and fibre, wheatgrass and other vegetable juices help to kick- start your metabolism by clearing the energy block, cleansing of toxins and improving energy flow.

Oats And Barley

The role of slow energy releasing sources of carbohydrates in keeping our energy levels high for a long time is undisputed. Wholegrains such as millets, oats, barley and brown rice are loaded with dietary fibre, B vitamins (needed for energy producing metabolic pathways) and magnesium that keeps muscular fatigue at bay.

Barley is often considered to be the oldest and best wholegrain choice, because it has an abundance of vitamins and minerals like iron, magnesium and zinc that regulates blood sugar levels and keeps you happy and energized all day.

“The crux of a perfect diet for vitality lies in maintaining a disciplined eating schedule, drinking enough fluids and including sustained sources of energy through the day”

Bananas And Carrots
Alleviate energy slumps by giving a raw food boost to your diet. Raw foods such as fresh fruits and veggies stimulate enzymatic action and result in better assimilation of nutrients. Bananas, in particular give a quick surge of energy and carrots are loaded with phytochemicals that flush out toxins and revitalize the tissues.

The trick to keep lethargy away is to avoid refined and processed foods that play havoc with your energy levels and mood and to include a source of healthy protein in each meal. To feel alert and energetic, your brain needs certain neurotransmitters and a steady stream of nutrients. Trust eggs and its troop of essential amino acids (especially leucine) and micronutrients to power up vitality and vigour.

Lifestyle And Eating Habits

When It comes to combating ebbing energy levels, watching out for certain eating habits is equally important. Skipping meals, going too low on carbohydrates and an overindulgence in sugar and stimulants is more likely to cause laziness than liveliness.

Hence aim for small and frequent meals, consume at least five to seven servings of fruits and vegetables every day and try to incorporate moderate exercise in your daily routine. Also, get adequate rest to stay focussed and energetic throughout the day.

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