What A Pet Can Do For You
We live in a world man-ed by hectic works schedules, stress and struggles to constantly adapt to the ever changing parameters of work and life. Stress anddepression often gets the better of us andthe craving for a companion who wouldn’t judge us when weare in the dumps, increases by leaps and bounds. It is duringsuch times that the need and the value of having a pet as acompanion anses, and those who are blessed by pets knowwhat calm and peace really means.
Whether it is petting a dog or stroking the fur of a cat or justinteracting with a bird, pets make lite wonderful. The benefits of having a dog or cat or other exotic pets such as birds, turtles or even bearded dragons are manifold and are not just limited to cuddling and playing but also extended to health and overall wellbeing. In modern competitive times, stressand subsequent depression has found its presence not only inadults but also in young children.
Learning Of Values, Morals And
CareChildren who grow up in families with pets are known to be more compassionate and caring than families with no pets. From a young age, theylearn to care for another living beingand understand the importance of beingresponsible for others.
“Dogs are our link to paradise. They don’t know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not Boring – it was peace”
Physical And CognitiveDevelopment
Growing up with pets helps in the development of physical and cognitive skills. Having a pet means that one would have to be involved in physical activities to keep the pet healthy. There are a wide repertoire of activities- running, jogging and hiking thatencourage children and adults to moveaway from a sedentary lifestyle andadopt healthy living. Young children also benefit from pets as it helps in their cognitive development as well. Their curiosity about the ways of the world can be correctly channelled by encouraging them to read about their favourite pet and how to care for them.
Help In Social Facilitation
Whether you have a shy toddler or are an introvert adult, having a pet has its advantages as pets are great social facilitators. Young childrentend to be cautious when it comes tointeracting with new people. However, they feel more comfortable if there Isa pet around as the pet can act as a nice breaker to form new friendships.
Pets are selfless in nature and acceptpeople for who they are. Their altruisticnature helps children and adults breaksocial barriers and establish socialrelationships. There are so manyinstances of families noticing positivechanges in their children and alsointrovert adult family members after apet joins a family.
Enhance EmotionalMaturity
Parents are a child’s first teachers. While parents teach the lessons oflife like responsibility, compassionand other values, pets become agreat reason to learn and build sellconfidence. There are different ways in which pets help build emotional maturity, they boost self-confidence, encourage high self-esteem and independence.
Therapy And Treatment
Children and adults all over the world have realized the importance of pets. Educational institutions seek the helpof therapy dogs to help and encouragechildren to read and gain confidence. Medical institutions now allow therapydogs to spend time with patients — bothadults and children. Many soldiers whoreturned from war struck Iran and Iraqsuffered from PTSD (post-traumaticstress disorder) that reduced theirnormal day-to-day activities. Traineddogs were assigned to them to helpthem get over PTSD. Also, hundredsof differently abled children and adultshave therapy dogs and assistance dogsto help them with their daily lives.
The benefits of having a pet are manifold and are not just limited to cuddling and playing but also extended to health and overall wellbeing
Stress Busters
Though it may be a bit rare, some companies actually allow your pet to accompany you to work. Studies have revealed that in the offices where dogs are allowed, there is a positive atmosphere and a sense of job satisfaction amongst employees. The presence of the dogs always makes a positive difference to the environment.