175+ Best Halloween Instagram Captions 2024 For Every Posts, Stories & Reels

Halloween Day is the best time to be creative in a creepy way! Whether you’re helping your kids dress up for Halloween day fancy competition, writing a spooky story, looking for some inspiration while scrapbooking Halloween memories, or Posting some different Halloween day costume pictures on Instagram.

Here, we make a list of the best, funniest, cool, cute, and Spooktacular Halloween Instagram Captions along with some spooky quotes inspired by Halloween movies, songs, and lyrics. Just get into this page & dive in for amazing & perfect captions for your Halloween Instagram posts & stories!

Also Read:

Great Funny Costume-Oriented & Spooky Halloween Instagram Captions of 2024

Considering numerous Halloween-inspired costume pictures isn’t an issue, but coming up with the apt & perfect Halloween caption or Quote is a serious issue.

So, not to take any stress, we’re here to help you all with an amazing collection of spooky, emojis, pumpkins, costumes, funny, best Instagram Captions for Halloween pictures to share on Instagram and other handles.

Grab all of them by scrolling down the page or by clicking these provided links on Halloween Captions Instagram. Pick on fit line for your Halloween pics and post on Instagram to make this fall so super & crazy.

Top 5 Instagram Captions for your Halloween Decorations

  1. If buying the whole pumpkin patch is wrong, we don’t want to be right.
  2. Maximum pumpkin mode will be activated in 3… 2… 1…
  3. So… how soon is too soon? Asking for a friend. [Use this caption for ultra-early pumpkin and Halloween displays.]
  4. SPoOkY sEaSoN iS hErE
  5. Stoop status: 100% ready for spooky season.

Insta captions for Halloween Decorations

Halloween Captions for Couples

  1. You’ve got me under your spell.
  2. You’re a zombabe.
  3. Always a bloody good time with you.
  4. You make me batty.
  5. We’re all boo’d up.
  6. I’d bone you.
  7. Thanks for always creepin’ it real with me.
  8. My Boo thang.
  9. I love you so much it’s scary!
  10. Just me and my zom-bae.
  11. I’m happy you didn’t ghost me,
  12. I’m batty about you.
  13. I only have pumpkin pies for you.
  14. I love your guts.
  15. Hey Boo-tiful.
  16. Future momster.

Halloween Insta Captions for Couples

Halloween Quotes from Movies and Literature

  1. “Be afraid, be very afraid.” —The Fly
  2. “By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.” —Macbeth
  3. “Double, double, toil and trouble.” —Macbeth
  4. “Everyone hail to the Pumpkin King.” —The Nightmare Before Christmas
  5. “I am beautiful. Boys will LOVE me!” —Hocus Pocus
  6. “I am the pumpkin king!” —The Nightmare Before Christmas
  7. “I see dead people.” —The Sixth Sense
  8. “I’ll stop wearing black when they invent a darker color.” —The Addams Family
  9. “I’m a ghost with the most, babe.” —Beetlejuice
  10. “I’m a mouse, duh.” —Mean Girls
  11. “I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” —Anne of Green Gables
  12. “It’s a full moon tonight. That’s when all the weirdos are out.” —Hocus Pocus
  13. “It’s showtime.” —Beetlejuice
  14. “Oh look, another glorious morning. It makes me SICK!” —Hocus Pocus
  15. “There is something at work in my soul, which I do not understand.” —Frankenstein
  16. “Use iodized salt to ward off witches, zombies, and old boyfriends.” —Hocus Pocus
  17. “Villainy wears many masks, none so dangerous as the mask of virtue.” —Sleepy Hollow
  18. “We all go a little mad sometimes.” —Psycho
  19. “Whatever you do, don’t fall asleep.” —A Nightmare On Elm Street
  20. “You frightened me. Do it again!” — The Addams Family

Halloween Lyrics

  1. “Boys and girls of every age, wouldn’t you like to see something strange?” —Danny Elfman
  2. “Ding-dong, the witch is dead! Which old witch? The wicked witch.” —Judy Garland
  3. “He did the mash, he did the monster mash. The monster mash, it was a graveyard smash.” —Bobby “Boris” Pickett
  4. “I know if I’m haunting you, you must be haunting me.” —Beyoncé
  5. “I put a spell on you and now you’re mine.” —Screamin’ Jay Hawkins
  6. “I’m friends with the monster that’s under my bed.” —Eminem and Rihanna
  7. “Must be the season of the witch.” —Donovan
  8. “Time is fleeting, madness takes its toll.” —The Rocky Horror Picture Show
  9. “Very superstitious, writing’s on the wall. Very superstitious, ladders ’bout to fall.” —Stevie Wonder
  10. “We’re all monsters living in a dream. So you be you and I’ll still be happy, forever Halloween.” —The Maine
  11. “Woo hoo, witchy woman, she got the moon in her eye.” —The Eagles

Spooky Quote Captions for IG

  1. “Ghosts and goblins come to play on October’s final day!” –Rusty Fischer
  2. “I love Halloween, and I love that feeling: the cold air, the spooky dangers lurking in every corner.” –Evan Peters
  3. “Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can’t see where it keeps its brain.” — J.K. Rowling
  4. “Nothing on Earth is so beautiful as the final haul on Halloween night.” –Steve Almond
  5. “On Halloween you get to become anything that you want to be.” — Ava Dellaira
  6. “Shadows of a thousand years rise again unseen. Voices whisper in the trees, ‘tonight is Halloween!'” — Dexter Kozen
  7. “Some people are born for Halloween.” — Stephan Graham Jones
  8. “There is magic in the night when pumpkins glow by moonlight.” –Unknown
  9. “There is something haunting in the light of the moon.” — Joseph Conrad
  10. “We make up horrors to help us cope with the real ones.” — Stephen King
  11. “Where there is no imagination there is no horror.” — Arthur Conan Doyle

Best Halloween Captions for Instagram

insta captions for halloween 2020

  1. “Get in loser, we’re going haunting”
  2. “These are my boos.”
  3. “Bite me”
  4. “Bone Appétit”
  5. “Boo-in it for the ‘gram”
  6. “Drop dead gourd-geous”
  7. “I’ve seen Stranger Things”
  8. “I’m here for the BOOze”
  9. “Pick your poison”
  10. “Straight Outta Salem”
  11. “Sweet like candy”
  12. “You’re in ghoul company”

Short Captions for Halloween Instagram Posts

  1. #Squadghouls
  2. Bad to the bone.
  3. Be witched!
  4. Creep it real.
  5. Cutest pumpkin in the patch.
  6. Eat, drink, and be scary.
  7. Ghostest with the mostest.
  8. Ghouls just wanna have fun.
  9. Happy Halloween to all!
  10. Have a fa-boo-lous Halloween!Best Halloween Party Instagram Captions
  11. Have a fang-tastic night.
  12. Hey boo-tiful.
  13. Hey, pumpkin!
  14. Howl about them apples?
  15. I put a spell on you, and now you’re mine.
  16. If the broom fits, fly it.
  17. If you’ve got it, haunt it.
  18. Keep calm and scare on.
  19. Life is gourd.
  20. Mons-terrific
  21. Spooktacular
  22. Too gourd to be true.
  23. Trick or treat yo’ self.
  24. Witchful thinking
  25. With the boo crew.

Do Refer: Boys & Girls Swag Captions for Instagram

Punny Instagram Captions for Halloween

  1. Basic witch.
  2. Bow down, witches.
  3. Demons are a ghouls best friend.
  4. Don’t make me get the flying monkeys.
  5. Fangs for the memories.
  6. Ghostest with the mostest.
  7. Had a bloody good Halloween.
  8. Have a spooktacular night
  9. Here for the boos.
  10. I can’t be held responsible for stolen candy.
  11. Oh my gourd, Becky, look at her bat.
  12. Oh! I’m so sorry – I thought that was your costume.
  13. Resting witch face.
  14. Shake your BOOty.
  15. Swish swish, witch.
  16. Trick or treat yo’ self.
  17. We had a fang-tastic time!
  18. What’s up, witches?
  19. Who run the world? Ghouls.
  20. Witch better have my candy.
  21. You better work, witch.
  22. You look better with the mask on.
  23. You make me batty.

Scary IG Quotes for Halloween Costume Selfies

  1. “By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.” –William Shakespeare
  2. “Clothes make a statement. Costumes tell a story.” –Mason Cooley
  3. “Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble.”–Macbeth
  4. “Every day is Halloween, isn’t it? For some of us.” –Tim Burton
  5. “Ghosts and goblins come to play on October’s final day!” –Rusty Fischer
  6. “Halloween wraps fear in innocence, as though it were a slightly sour sweet. Let terror, then, be turned into a treat.” — Nicholas Gordon
  7. “I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death.” –Severus Snape, Harry Potter
  8. “I love Halloween, and I love that feeling: the cold air, the spooky dangers lurking in every corner.” –Evan Peters
  9. “Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can’t see where it keeps its brain.” — J.K. Rowling
  10. “Nothing on Earth is so beautiful as the final haul on Halloween night.” –Steve Almond
  11. “On Halloween you get to become anything that you want to be.” — Ava Dellaira
  12. “Shadows of a thousand years rise again unseen. Voices whisper in the trees, ‘tonight is Halloween!'” — Dexter Kozen
  13. “Some people are born for Halloween.” — Stephan Graham Jones
  14. “The moon has awoken with the sleep of the sun, the light has been broken; the spell has begun.” — Midgard Morningstar
  15. “There is magic in the night when pumpkins glow by moonlight.” –Unknown
  16. “There is something haunting in the light of the moon.” — Joseph Conrad
  17. “We make up horrors to help us cope with the real ones.” — Stephen King
  18. “When the witches go riding, and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers ’tis near Halloween.” — Unknown
  19. “Where there is no imagination there is no horror.” — Arthur Conan Doyle

Cute Halloween Captions for Instagram

  1. Absolutely fa-boo-lous.
  2. Boo from the crew.
  3. Brrr … it’s cold in here. There must be some spirits in the atmosphere!
  4. Bugs and hisses.
  5. Creature feature.
  6. Ghouls just wanna have fun!
  7. Happy Howl-oween.
  8. Having a boo-tiful night.
  9. Keep calm and carry a wand.
  10. Mischief managed.
  11. No tricks, just treats!
  12. Ready, set, ghoul!
  13. Something wicked this way comes.
  14. This is where the magic happens.
  15. This witch can be bribed with chocolate.
  16. Too cute to spook.
  17. Too ghoul for school.
  18. What’s up, pumpkin?
  19. You’ve got me under your spell.

Halloween Captions Instagram for Specific Costume Photos

instagram captions for halloween parties

  1. “Can’t wait until the moon is full.”
  2. “Drop dead gorgeous.”
  3. “Forever your Zom-bae.”
  4. “Girl (super)power!”
  5. “Hocus Pocus and chill?”
  6. “I do not say, ‘Bleh bleh bleh!'”
  7. “I’m a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world!”
  8. “If I ghost you after tonight, you know why.”
  9. “It’s alive!”
  10. “Me-Wow.”
  11. “Mons-terrific.”
  12. “Only a little bit batty.”
  13. “Wig snatched.”
  14. “You’re just not my (blood) type.”
  15. “I’m from a whole other world, a different dimension.”

Clever Halloween Captions for Instagram

  1. “Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters!” – Ghostbusters
  2. “I love Halloween, and I love that feeling: the cold air, the spooky dangers lurking in every corner.” – Evan Peters
  3. “Every day is Halloween, isn’t it? For some of us.” – Tim Burton
  4. “There is magic in the night when pumpkins glow by moonlight.” – Unknown
  5. “By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.” – William Shakespeare
  6. “Nothing on Earth is so beautiful as the final haul on Halloween night.” – Steve Almond
  7. “Ghosts and goblins come to play on October’s final day.” – Unknown
  8. “It’s Halloween; everyone’s entitled to one good scare.” – Halloween
  9. “Everything’s better with a little magic.”- Unknown
  10. “A real witch is nothing without her ghoul friends.” – Unknown

Halloween Captions Inspired by Movies

  1. “Being normal is vastly overrated.” — Halloweentown
  2. “Have you come to sing pumpkin carols?” — It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
  3. “I am beautiful. Boys will LOVE me!” — Hocus Pocus
  4. “Wanna play?” — Child’s Play
  5. “I am the pumpkin king!” — The Nightmare Before Christmas
  6. “I would like, if I may, to take you on a strange journey.” — Rocky Horror Picture Show
  7. “I’m a ghost with the most, babe.” — Beetlejuice
  8. “I’m a mouse, duh.” — Mean Girls
  9. Use iodized salt to ward off witches, zombies, and old boyfriends.” — Hocus Pocus
  10. “I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” — Anne of Green Gables
  11. “It’s a full moon tonight. That’s when all the weirdos are out.” — Hocus Pocus
  12. “It’s all just a bunch of hocus pocus!” — Hocus Pocus
  13. “It’s Halloween; everyone’s entitled to one good scare.” — Halloween
  14. “It’s showtime.” — Beetlejuice
  15. “Magic is really very simple, all you’ve got to do is want something and then let yourself have it.” — Halloweentown
  16. “Oh look, another glorious morning. It makes me SICK!” — Hocus Pocus
  17. “There’s only 365 days left until next Halloween!” — The Nightmare Before Christmas
  18. “We’ve all got both light and dark inside us…” — Harry Potter

Halloween Quotes Inspired by Songs

Halloween Quotes for Instagram

  1. “Baby, I’m howlin’ for you.” —The Black Keys
  2. “Heads will roll … on the floor.” —Yeah Yeah Yeahs
  3. “I always feel like somebody’s watching me.” —Rockwell
  4. “I put a spell on you because you’re mine.” —Screamin’ Jay Hawkins
  5. “I’m friends with the monster that’s under my bed.” —Rihanna
  6. “I’m sweet but I’m psycho” —Ava Max
  7. “It’s close to midnight, something evil’s lurking from the dark.” —Michael Jackson
  8. “Must be the season of the witch.” —Donovan
  9. “They’re creepy and they’re kooky, mysterious, and spooky.” —Andrew Gold
  10. “This is Halloween, everybody make a scene.” —Marilyn Manson
  11. “What’s in your head?” —The Cranberries
  12. “When we all fall asleep, where do we go?” —Billie Eilish
  13. “Who you gonna call?” —Ray Parker Jr.
  14. “Love is kind of crazy with a spooky little boy like you.” —Dusty Springfield
  15. “Scary monsters, super creeps keep me running, running scared.” —David Bowie
  16. “She is like a cat in the dark. And then she is the darkness.” —Stevie Nicks

Instagram Halloween Emoji Captions

  1. H🌕wling at the m🌕🌕n.
  2. The 🎃 👑 of Halloween.
  3. 👀 on that best costume 🏆
  4. Who 👻 there?
  5. H🎃ppy H🎃lloween!
  6. He’s trapped in my 🕸
  7. You look b🎃🎃tiful tonight.
  8. I’m the 👑 of Halloween.
  9. I’ll never 👻 you.
  10. Sorry I’m ⚰, I have a cold.
  11. You’re 💀 to me.
  12. 🐝yonce.
  13. ‘Til 💀 do us part.
  14. 🦁🐯🐻, oh my!
  15. I need to be home before midnight…👠🎃
  16. Best costume 🏆 goes to…
  17. We trick or treat, 🌧 or ☀️.
  18. 👑 of screams.
  19. Here for the b👻👻ze.
  20. We have a new 🎃 in the patch!
  21. Who you gonna 📞? 👻busters!
  22. Keep your 🐾 off my 🍬
  23. The cutest 🎃 in the patch.

Good Lyrical Halloween Captions for IG

  1. “I just took a DNA test, turns out I’m 100% that witch” – inspired by “Truth Hurts” by Lizzo
  2. “I put a spell on you, and now you’re mine” – “I Put a Spell on You” by Screamin’ Jay Hawkins
  3. “Am I scaring you tonight?” –”Disturbia” by Rihanna
  4. “Boo’d up” —”Boo’d Up” by Ella Mai
  5. “Feline myself” – inspired by “Feeling Myself” by Nicki Minaj and Beyoncé
  6. “Freaks come out at night” –”Freaks Come Out at Night” by Whodini
  7. “Got a secret. Can you keep it?” —”Secret” by The Pierces
  8. “I know if I’m haunting you, you must be haunting me” – “Haunted” by Beyoncé
  9. “It’s nightmare on Elm Street and guess who’s playing Freddy?”—”My Chick Bad” by Ludacris ft. Nicki Minaj
  10. “Mask off” –”Mask Off” by Future
  11. “Never fully dressed without a wand” —”Never Fully Dressed” from Annie, with a Halloween twist
  12. “Who runs the world? Ghouls!” – “Run the World” by Beyoncé, with a spooky twist
  13. “You a bad ghoul and you ghouls bad too” — inspired by “Party” by Beyoncé
  14. “You coulda had a bad witch” – inspired by “Truth Hurts” by Lizzo

Pleasant Pumpkin Instagram Captions for Halloween Day

Halloween instagram captions about pumpkin carving

  1. “Ask not what your pumpkin can do for you, ask what you can do for your pumpkin.”
  2. “Pumpkin kisses and harvest wishes.”
  3. “You are the pick of the patch.”
  4. “I love you, pumpkin.”
  5. “When black cats prowl and pumpkins gleam, may luck be yours on Halloween.”
  6. “At this point, my blood type is pumpkin spice.”
  7. “I’ve never met a pumpkin I didn’t like.”

Let us know which set of Halloween Captions you like most and what type of Halloween scary & funny quotes should be added to the list via the comment sections below. Moreover, share this page with your friends on social media handles and make them use amazing Halloween Instagram captions under their spooky costume pictures.

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