WBPSC Admit Card 2019-20: West Bengal Public Service Commission has released the WBPSC Clerk Admit Card on the official website of WBPSC i.e. pscwbonline.gov.in. Candidates can download the WBPSC Admit Card entering their Enrollment Number/ Name and Date of Birth. We have provided the direct link to download the WBPSC Clerk Hall Ticket below.
WBPSC Admit Card 2020
WBPSC Exam is scheduled to be conducted on January 25, 2020. The exam consists of Part I and Part II. Part 1 will consist of questions from subjects like English, General Studies, Arithmetic. The total time given for Part 1 is 1 hour 30 minutes. Part 2 will consist of topics like English, Language (Bengali/ Hindi/ Urdu/ Nepali/ Santali). It has to be finished in 1 hour.
How to Download WBPSC Clerk Admit Card?
Candidates can follow the below steps in order to download the WBPSC Clerk Hall Ticket:
- Go to the official website of WBPSC i.e. pscwbonline.gov.in. (Initially, the page will show Not secure, you need to go to Advanced and click to Proceed to www.pscwbonline.gov.in (unsafe).
- Click on “Click here to apply for the various post” A new page will open.
- A new page will appear where you need to enter your enrollment number or first name and date of birth.
- The WBPSC Admit Card pdf will appear. Download it and take the print out.
After downloading the WBPSC Clerk Hall Ticket, do check the details printed on it. In case of any discrepancies in the admit card, contact the examination authority.
Details Mentioned on WBPSC Clerk Hall Ticket
The WBPSC Admit Card will consist of the following details:
- Name of candidate
- Date of Birth
- Registration number
- Name of exam
- Exam date
- Shift timing
- Exam Center name and address
- Photograph
- Important instructions
WBPSC Clerk Exam Pattern 2020
Here is the WBPSC Exam Pattern for Clerk post, according to which a candidate needs to prepare for the exam.
Part I: Duration of the paper is 1 hour 30 minutes
Subject | Number of Questions | Number of Marks |
English | 30 | 30 marks |
General Studies | 40 | 40 marks |
Arithmetic | 30 | 30 marks |
Total | 100 Questions | 100 marks |
Part II: Duration of the paper is 1 hour
Subject | Number of Marks |
Group A – English | 50 marks |
Group B – Bengali/ Hindi/ Urdu/ Nepali/ Santali | 50 marks |
Total | 100 marks |
WBPSC Clerk Syllabus 2020
Here is the WBPSC Clerk Syllabus for English section
- Spellings/ Detecting Mis-spelt words
- Antonyms
- Active/ Passive Voice of Verbs
- Comprehension Passage
- Spot the Error
- Cloze Passage
- Fill in the Blanks
- Shuffling of Sentence
- Conversions
- Sentence Rearrangement
- Improvement of Sentences
- Synonyms/ Homonyms
- Vocabulary
- Idioms & Phrases
- One word substitution
WBPSC Clerk Syllabus for General Studies:
- Inventions and Discoveries
- Indian History
- Environmental Issues
- Famous Places in India
- Biology
- General Science
- Famous Days & Dates
- Civics
- Current Affairs
- Geography
- Indian Politics
- Sports
- Artists
- Indian Parliament
- Countries and Capitals
- Famous Books & Authors
- Literature
- Indian Economy
- Rivers, Lakes and, Seas
- Tourism
WBPSC Clerk Syllabus for Arithmetic:
- Boats and Streams
- Logarithm
- Area
- Simplification
- Clocks & Calendars
- Time and Distance
- Partnership
- Data Interpretation
- Blood Relations
- Height and Distance
- Decimal Fraction
- Ratio and Proportion
- Simple Interest
- Problems on H.C.F & L.C.M
- Allegation or Mixture
- Time and Work
- Pipes and Cistern
- Volume and Surface Area
- Probability
- Problems on Ages
- Average
- Permutation and Combination
- Chain Rule
- Square Root and Cube Root
- Compound Interest
- Surds and Indices
WBPSC Clerk Syllabus for Group A: English
- Drafting of a report in English from points or materials supplied
- Condensing of a prose passage (Summary/ Precis)
- Translation from Bengali/ Hindi/ Urdu/ Nepali/ Santali, as the case may be, into English
WBPSC Clerk Syllabus for Group B: Bengali/ Hindi/ Urdu/ Nepali/ Santali
- Drafting of a report from points or materials supplied
- Condensing of a prose passage (summary or précis)
- Translation from English into Bengali/ Hindi/ Urdu/ Nepali/ Santali, as the case may be
We hope that you have found this article helpful. If you have any questions then you can ask us from the comment section below. We will try to answer as soon as possible.