Are you appearing for the Class 10 CBSE Board Exams? Do you know? Last month before the final examination is the crucial stage where students have to focus on the exam preparation. If you are a moderate student in your class and had the desire to top in this CBSE Class 10 Board Exam then get the NCERT CBSE Class 10 Sample Papers for all subjects from this bundle for a lower price and practice more. A quick revision of the whole concept at the beginning of each and every chapter is an extra benefit of using this CBSE Class 10 Specimen Papers eBook Bundle.
Bonus: If you buy this handful & knowledge-oriented CBSE Sample Papers eBook Bundle for Class 10 Exams then you can get Free Formulae Handbook for CBSE Class 10 Maths & Science.
Get more details about subject-wise CBSE Class 10 Sample Papers Bundle links along with Preparation Tips, and Exam Pattern from the following table.
All About CBSE Class 10 Sample Papers Bundle – Special Features
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 are designed as per your new exam pattern released by CBSE Board. We have developed these sample papers to make you even more comfortable with the question paper pattern, marking scheme and frequently asked questions. Solving sample paper will make you confident in the final exams and enhances your skills. CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 are prepared by expert teachers. So, it will help you to know your performance level, strengths, and weaknesses, etc.
Also, there are plenty of benefits by practicing CBSE Sample Papers & Previous Year Papers.
- It is extremely important to revise with sample papers or previous model papers for scoring better marks.
- These sample papers will prepare by experts of various subject teachers.
- Sample papers cover a wide area thereby you can find what are required concepts that you should pay attention while preparation.
- Quick revision of a huge syllabus.
- Boosts speed and accuracy while solving problems in the final exams.
The above list of features is a few about CBSE Class 10 Sample Papers. Are you excited to know more about CBSE Sample Papers?
Hurry Up, Guys!
Get this CBSE Class 10 Sample Paper Bundle for all subjects by pressing a single Download Now button provided below. This offer is valid for a few days only, so don’t wait for other things, simply grab this opportunity at a low price.

If you want to rank in Class 10 board exams or want to score highest marks then follow the below preparation tips in mind while preparing for the examinations. Along with this, have a glance at the CBSE Class 10 Syllabus and CBSE Previous Questions Papers.
Ultimate Subject-Wise Preparation for Class 10 Board Exams
Students are advised to check out the necessary information before practicing the CBSE Class 10 Sample Papers, MCQ Question Papers, etc. Spend some time on marking schemes and study tips and improve your study plan by covering all concepts without any fail. In this bundle, we are happy to provide some clear information like the latest updates on subject wise marking schemes & preparation tips to score good marks in CBSE Class 10 Board Exams.
Let’s dive into it, Students!
CBSE Maths Preparation Tips for Class 10
Students consider CBSE Class 10 Maths is a difficult subject to score high marks. But you need a well-organized preparation plan and more practice to ace mathematics exams. This will happen when you have the determination and complete perseverance.
Also, it helps in improving student’s analytical abilities, reasoning and decision making. The most important skill that should have in you is a smart way to approach problems. Let’s see how to solve maths sums easily & quickly. Click here to see more information related to exam pattern & preparation tips.
CBSE Class 10 Maths Basic & Standard Question Paper Pattern
Maths Basic Marking Scheme for Class 10 CBSE Board Exam
Name of the Section | Section Description | Number of Questions | Marks per question |
A | Objective Type Questions | 20 (1-20) | 1 |
B | Very Short Answer Type Questions | 6 (21-26) | 2 |
C | Short Answer Type Questions | 8 (27-34) | 3 |
D | Long Answer Type Questions | 6 (35-40) | 4 |
Maths Standard Marking Scheme for Class 10 CBSE Board Exam
Name of the Section | Section Description | Number of Questions | Marks per question |
A | Objective Type Questions | 20 (1-20) | 1 |
B | Very Short Answer Type Questions | 6 (21-26) | 2 |
C | Short Answer Type Questions | 8 (27-34) | 3 |
D | Long Answer Type Questions | 6 (35-40) | 4 |
How to Solve Class 10 Maths Problems Accurately?
- Maths is all about applying the formulas to solve the problem. Remembering the formulas for each & every concept is not like eating a piece of cake. The more you practice, the more chance to crack the exam.
- Firstly, jot down the concepts and formulas sheet from the NCERT Textbook or from our Formulae Handbook for CBSE Class 10 Maths.
- Try to memorize all the formulas thoroughly while practicing CBSE Class 10 Maths Sample Papers or Previous Question papers.
- Solve the sums again and again and maintain a grip on the concept base.
- Recall all topics and formulae daily and practice Class 10 CBSE Maths MCQ’s for scoring highest marks in the board exams.
Class 10 CBSE Science Subject Preparation Tips
Class X CBSE Science Subject covered three subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. It is the major subject that helps in shaping your entire career. Having great knowledge of all three subdivisions is necessary to score maximum marks in the exam. Science subject includes a wide range of laws, experiments, diagrams, and evolution theory. All these concepts comprise in CBSE Class 10 Science NCERT Books. Refer NCERT Textbook for Class 10 Science and below tips to study and prepare for the board examination. Also, get more details of Class 10 Science question paper pattern and preparation tips by clicking the below links.
Class 10 CBSE Question Pattern for Science
CBSE Exam Pattern 2018-2019 – Science | CBSE New Exam Pattern For 2019-2020 – Science |
i. Question numbers 1 and 2 (Section A) are one mark questions. They are to be answered in one word or in one sentence.
ii. Question numbers 3 to 5 (Section B) are two marks questions. These are to be answered in about 30 words each. iii. Question numbers 6 to 15 (Section C) are three marks questions. These are to be answered in about 50 words each. iv. Question numbers 16 to 21 (Section D) are 5 marks questions. These are to be answered in about 70 words each. v. Question numbers 22 to 27 (Section E) are based on practical skills. Each question is of two marks. These are to be answered in brief. Internal choice is given in sections B, C, D and E. |
i. All questions in Section A are one-mark questions comprising MCQ, VSA type and assertion-reason type questions. They are to be answered in one word or in one sentence.
ii. All questions in Section B are three-mark, short-answer type questions. These are to be answered in about 50 – 60 words each. iii. All questions in Section C are five-mark, long-answer type questions. These are to be answered in about 80 – 90 words each. This question paper consists of a total of 30 questions. Internal choice is given in each section. |
How to Study for Class 10 CBSE Science Exam?
- A well-prepared study plan is required to learn complete Class 10 Science Syllabus.
- Make a note of formulae, derivations, and experiments and practice every day for 10-15 minutes to solve any problem in the exam.
- It is necessary to utilize Class 10 NCERT Textbooks to prepare whole concepts of science and to practice previous year papers and model question papers.
- Every subject contains key definitions to follow. So, maintain a sheet for all topics definitions and memorize them in free time. It aids to score more marks in the MCQ section.
- Practice CBSE Class 10 Science Sample Question Papers which are given here at low cost can ace your accuracy by solving various problems and theorem-based questions.
CBSE 10th Social Science Preparation Tips
The other easiest and kind of boring subject in CBSE Class 10 is Social Science. Instead of using the textbook and reading notes, try to make use of these study tools like flashcards, colorful charts, timelines, and funny mnemonics to understand the concepts easily. Follow the below given simple steps and prepare for the CBSE Class 10 Social Science thoroughly & score better marks compared to your friends. Tap here and know more info about CBSE Social science test pattern & tips for preparation.
CBSE Class 10 Exam Pattern 2020 for Social Science Subject
Name of the Section | Section Description | Number of Questions | Marks Per Question |
Section A | Very Short Answer Type Questions | 20 | 1 Mark |
Section B | Short Answer Type Questions | 7 | 3 Marks |
Section C | Long Answer Type Questions | 5 | 5 Marks |
Section D | Map-Based Questions | 2 | 6 Marks |
Steps to Prepare & Memorize Class 10 Social Science Topics ?
- Keep notes of significant dates and timelines which are summarized in every chapter that include in the syllabus.
- For better understanding, read the whole concept like a story and memorize every date and year as character names. It aids you to retain more information in your brain.
- Practice NCERT Books of CBSE Class 10 Social Science and jot down the important questions and concepts for preparation.
- Moreover, solve daily as many sample papers as you can along with previous year question papers and get a grip on the repeated questions and new concepts of the syllabus.
- Also, make a note of what questions are having more weightage and how much content should be covered to score maximum marks for each question.
English CBSE Class 10 Preparation Tips
English is another important and easy subject for scoring maximum marks in CBSE Board Exams. It offers high-level skills to the students regarding the subject which gives importance to literary texts. If you speak with others and listen to other words can learn English easily and quickly. By this, you can improve your literary skills along with Reading, Speaking, and Grammar skills.
Study as much as you can together with practicing old question papers, sample papers and give mock tests while preparing for CBSE Class 10 English Exam. If you practice more with these papers then you will know what are commonly asked questions and important topics & passages. Also, check more info on Class 10 English Literature Exam Pattern and Preparation tips from the below links.
CBSE Class 10 English Literature Exam Pattern
Name of the Section | Section Description | Number of Questions | Marks Per Section |
Section A | Reading | 1-2 | 20 Marks |
Section B | Writing and Grammar | 3-7 | 30 Marks |
Section C | Literature | 8-11 | 30 Marks |
How to Write the Class 10 CBSE English Paper?
- When preparing & writing the English paper, you must focus on some points like having a grip on the pattern and format used in the final exams.
- Ace your reading and writing skills while practicing CBSE Class 10 English Sample Papers and spend rest of the time to improve your weak points.
- Refer CBSE English previous years papers for class 10 and get a piece of information about the structure of Essays & Letter which include a proper Intro, Body, and Conclusion.
CBSE Class 10 Preparation Tips for Hindi Course A & Course B
Hindi is a simple & easy subject to learn compared with other subjects. Hindi and English are the highest scoring subjects on the board exams. Hindi Subject is divided into three main parts which involve: Passages, Grammar, and Writing Skills.
Hindi Subject is mandatory for CBSE Class 10th Students. Also, it creates some interest in candidates because of their nice stories and poetries. So, you can easily understand each & every topic while preparing. One can get 90+ marks in this exam with ample preparation resources & tips. So, hit on the below links and find detailed information about tips and Class 10 Hindi Exam Pattern.
CBSE Class 10 Hindi A & B Marking Scheme
Hindi (Course A) Exam Pattern for CBSE Class 10 Exam
Name of the Section | Section Description | Number of Questions | Marks Per Section |
Section A | Reading | 1 | 10 Marks |
Section B | Grammar | 2-5 | 16 Marks |
Section C | Literature | 6-10 | 34 Marks |
Section D | Writing | 11-13 | 20 Marks |
Hindi (Course B) Exam Pattern for Class 10 CBSE Board Exam
Name of the Section | Section Description | Number of Questions | Marks Per Section |
Section A | अपठित अंश (Reading) | 1-2 | 15 Marks |
Section B | व्यवहारिक व्याकरण (Grammar) | 3-7 | 16 Marks |
Section C | पाठ्य पुस्तक एवं पूरक पाठ्य पुस्तक (Literature) | 8-12 | 28 Marks |
Section D | लेखन (Writing) | 13-17 | 26 Marks |
How to Learn for Hindi Exam?
- Collect whole CBSE Class 10 Hindi A&B Exam Syllabus and start studying each & every concept which are repeated in CBSE Class 10 Previous Questions Papers.
- Scoring 90+ marks will be easy when you prepare & practice all CBSE Class 10 Hindi Sample Papers in a full-fledged way.
- Also, enhance your grammar and punctuation skills by studying the CBSE 10th Hindi Model Papers.
- Follow these 3 points while preparing for the CBSE Board Exam and score highest marks in the board exam. Get the latest Class 10 CBSE Hindi A & B Sample Papers from this eBook Bundle at a low price.
Class 10 CBSE Preparation Tips for Sanskrit
Students who are appearing for the Class 10 Board exam often find Sanskrit subject a bit tough which is proved because the Sanskrit language is not a simple language to speak on a daily basis and hence it becomes tough for candidates.
However, if you follow the proper preparation process then you can easily obtain more than 90+ marks or even score full marks in Sanskrit paper. Just click here and know the exact details of Class 10 CBSE Sanskrit Exam Pattern and Tips to prepare & give the best shot in the Sanskrit paper.
CBSE Class 10 Sanskrit Exam Pattern
Name of the Section | Section Description | Number of Questions | Marks Per Section |
Section A | One Passage, One-word Answers, Very Short Answers | 1 | 10 Marks |
Section B | Creative Writing | 2-3 | 15 Marks |
Section C | Grammar | 4-10 | 25 Marks |
Section D | Written Type Questions | 11-14 | 30 Marks |
How to Prepare for Sanskrit Exam?
- Prepare the whole syllabus with the help of NCERT Class 10 Books for Sanskrit and make a note of important topics & stories.
- These NECRT books for Sanskrit aid more to understand the concepts of the Class 10 Sanskrit exam.
- Apart from this textbook, practice CBSE Class 10 Sanskrit Sample Papers and Model Question Papers to have an idea about the repeated questions and high weightage topics.
- By preparing more Class 10 CBSE Sanskrit Question Papers, you can enhance your grammar and writing skills.
- Repeatedly take the mock tests and practice sample or previous papers to memorize all the topics of Sanskrit class 10.
- If you follow these tips strictly then you will get 90+ marks in the Sanskrit exam which is much easier to score than other subjects.
Wrapping Up
Ace your Class 10 Exam Preparation with VersionWeekly CBSE Class 10 Sample Papers Bundle. We have presented a well-researched & solid Class 10 Sample Papers (subject-wise) for CBSE students to score high marks in the board examination. However, we also shared detailed & dedicated preparation tips & the latest marking scheme for all subjects to have a clear idea about the exam structure. So, click on the “Download” button and get this helpful CBSE Class 10 Sample Paper Bundle for all subjects.
Students, as a bonus, we are offering you a quick 40 min revision book for free, formulae handbook for class 10 maths and science along with mind maps for subject wise concepts of Class 10 syllabus. So, don’t miss this wonderful chance by trusting other references. We really hope this CBSE Class Sample Papers eBook Bundle will make you stand as a topper in your board examinations.