TS Intermediate Time Table 2019-20: Telangana Board of Intermediate Education has announced a timetable for the first year and second-year classes. TS intermediate Timetable 2019 is released on its official website. According to the TS Intermediate Timetable, TS First Year Exam will start on 27th Feb 2019 & ends on 16th March 2019 and TS Second Year Exam will start on 28th Feb 2019 & ends on 18th March 2019.
Telangana Board of Intermediate Education is responsible for conducting the exams for TS Intermediate First Year and Second Year. Students are requested to download the TS Intermediate Timetable 2019 for First Year and Second Year from its official website. Although, here in this article, we will provide you with the complete details of the TS Intermediate timetable and how to download it.
Here, in this section, we will brief you about TS Intermediate First Year and Second Year Examination details and timetable details.
TS Intermediate Examination 2020 Details
Board Name | Telangana Board Of Intermediate Education |
Examination | TS Intermediate Exam 2019 |
Start Date of Exam | 04th March 2020 for First Year 05th March 2020 for Second Year |
End Date Of Exam | 21st March 2020 for First Year 23rd March 2019 for Second Year |
Official Website | https://tsbie.cgg.gov.in/home.do |
Mode of Exam | Offline |
Now, let us provide you with the details of TS Intermediate Time Table for First Year and Second Year
TS Intermediate First Year Time Table
Day & Date | I year Examinations |
04-03-2020 (Wednesday) | Part-II – 2nd Language Paper-I |
06-03-2020 (Friday) | Part-I: English Paper-I |
10-03-2020 (Tuesday) | Part-III Mathematics Paper-I A Botany Paper-I Civics Paper-I Psychology Paper-I |
12-03-2020 (Thursday) | Mathematics Paper – I Zoology Paper-I History Paper-I |
14-03-2020 (Saturday) | Physics Paper-I Economics Paper-I Classical Languages Paper-I |
17-03-2020 (Tuesday) | Chemistry Paper-I E-Commerce Paper-I Sociology Paper-I Fine Arts, Music Paper-I |
19-03-2020 (Thursday) | Geology Paper-I Home Sciences Paper-I Public Administration Paper-I Logic Paper-I Bridge Course Maths Paper-I (for B.P.C Students) |
21-03-2020 (Saturday) | Modern Language Paper-I Geography Paper-I |
Exam Timings: 9.00 A. M to 12.00 Noon
TS Intermediate Second Year Time Table
Day & Date | II year Examinations |
05-03-2020 (Thursday) | Part-II: 2nd Language Paper-II |
07-03-2020 (Saturday) | Part-I: English Paper- II |
11-03-2020 (Wednesday) | Part-III:Mathematics Paper-II A Botany Paper-II Civics Paper-II Psychology Paper-II |
13-03-2020 (Friday) | Mathematics Paper – II Zoology Paper-II History Paper-II |
16-03-2020 (Monday) | Physics Paper -II Economics Paper-II Classical Languages Paper-II |
18-03-2020 (Wednesday) | Chemistry Paper-II Commerce Paper-II Sociology Paper-II Fine Arts, Music Paper-II |
20-03-2020 (Friday) | Geology Paper- II Home Sciences Paper-II Public Administration Paper-II Logic Paper- II Bridge Course Maths Paper-II (For B.P.C Students) |
23-03-2020 (Monday) | Modern Language Paper – II Geography Paper-II |
Exam Timings: 9.00 A. M to 12.00 Noon
We hope now, students are clear about the routine of TS Intermediate 1st year and 2nd-year exam.
TS Intermediate Public Examination Time Table Download
In this section, we are going to provide you with the details of how to download TS intermediate public examination time table 2019. Please follow below given easy steps:
- Firstly, visit the official website of the Telangana Board.
- Click on “IPE March-2019 General Time Table for 1st and 2nd-year Examination”.
- You will be directed to a separate webpage, which contains a PDF file of the TS Intermediate time table.
- Download that PDF file and save it for future reference.
- You can also take a print out of it and paste it in your study room.
TS Intermediate Admit Card Details for 1st and 2nd Year
- TS Intermediate Exam 2019 Admit Card will be released in January/ February 2019 on its official website. Students are requested to wait until then, and when it is notified, download it directly from the website www.bie.telangana.gov.in and keep it safe with them.
- Admit card is mandatory to produce inside the examination hall, else you would not be allowed to write the exam. So, please make sure you carry your hall ticket before you enter the examination hall. And also follow the instructions mentioned in the Admit card.
Details Mentioned on TS Intermediate Admit Card
- Name of Candidate
- Candidate’s Father Name
- Enrollment Number
- Center Name
- Center Code etc.
TS Intermediate 1st Year and 2nd Year Exam Preparation Tips
Students who are appearing for Telangana Board Intermediate Public Examination 2019, we have got some preparation tips for you so that you can score well in your exam.
- Once you have downloaded the Official Time Table, set your own routine accordingly.
- Prepare for the exams which don’t have a gap between them.
- Complete your syllabus 15-20 days before the start date of examination, so that you can revise each subject nicely.
- Solve previous year question papers as well, to understand time management in your final exams.
We hope, students are clear now about the TS Intermediate Time Table 2019 details. For any further clarification, students are requested to visit the official website of Telangana Board 2018.
TS Intermediate Exams will start on 27th February 2019 for First Year and 28th February 2019 for Second Year. The time table released is applicable for the Vocational course examination as well. However, the vocational courses time table is available separately on the website.
The results of the TS Intermediate Exam will decide for your future studies and to build your career. Therefore, students are requested to prepare well and score good marks. Good marks will lead you to get a well known recognized college or university, which has a nice placement record.
We wish you all the very best for your TS Intermediate exams, both for 1st year and 2nd-year students. I hope, we have helped you through this article for your exams. For any feedback for us, please leave a comment at the end of this article.