Tips To Tackle Medical Emergencies At Home

Tips To Tackle Medical Emergencies At Home

Though our home is a safe haven for every one of us, medical emergencies are unpredictable and it can be a common sight in houses where there are children or senior citizens. Situations like choking, bleeding, dizziness, burns, cardiac arrest, difficulty in breathing, seizures etc. are something we could suffer from at any time, in our everyday lite. So, here’s a list of important things you need to keep in mind while handling these medical emergencies at home.

Identify A First Aid Spot
One corner of the house should be identified the first aid spot. A well-stocked emergency kit which includes bandages, emergency medicines etc. should be set up. The contents of the kit should be checked periodically to remove expired medicines or items. Also, an updated list of numbers should be kept with in reach, which can be accessed by everyone.

Writing contact details in bold letters can help everyone, especially kids and senior citizens. The list of numbers should include emergency ambulance service like 108, fire brigade, a couple of family members’ numbers, numbers of medical stores in the vicinity, phone number of family physician/ specialty doctor etc.

Be Aware Of Hospitals In Your Area
Being aware of the emergency care providers in your area within a radius of at least four-five kilometres is very important. A list of the hospitals and their contact details should be kept handy, which can be accessed in case of an emergency; the best practice would be to keep their numbers on speed dial.

Keep Medical Information Updated
Always keep updated written medicalrecords of each family member. Especially, in cases when someone Is suffering from specific medical conditions These records prove handy while rushing to the hospital and will help the doctors take immediate caution, in case there is any complication.

First Aid And CPR Training
We all have heard of the famous saying, prevention is better than cure.’ Thus, it is always wise not to wait for the medical situation to occur but to train oneself and family members, beforehand. Hence, It is very helpful if few family members attend a basic first aid programme and a CPR programme.

Maintain Emergency Medical Funds
One cannot foresee the future. Hence, it is imperative to start building a fund which makes handling emergencies a little easier. One should also opt for health insurance policies that help in cashless admission in registered hospitals. Those who are above 55 years of age can opt for special health insurance which will give them cover, even after retirement. In case you don’t want to invest in health insurance,maintain a steady emergency fund, which should not be used for any other expenses.

Along with the above mentioned points, the most important thing to remember Ìs to keep calm and not panic, as a disturbed and hesitant person, is in no position to help himself/herself, let alone help his near and dear ones.

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