Why Stress And Infertility Go Hand In Hand
“It has been found that highly stressed women are 29 per cent less likely to get pregnant with each passing month, as compare to women who are less stressed”
Infertility is known as the inability to conceive, after a couple has been trying by following the natural method for over a year. There are numerous reasons for infertility like sedentary lifestyle, junk food, wrong eating habits, lack of physical activity, sitting for prolonged hours, medical conditions such as PCOS or endometriosis and many more, But one more reason is According to a new research, too much stress may cause infertility among women. It has also been found that highly stressed women are 29 per cent less likely to get pregnant with each passing month, as compare to women who are less stressed. Here are some factors that contribute to stress.
Stressful Factors
- Marital disturbance
- Target completion stress, at one’s workplace
- Late marriages and failed relationships
- Death of a close family member or a dear friend
- Personal or financial loss
- Prolonged disease like cancer etc.
High Risk Group
- Men who work late night shifts or do night duty are affected by infertility related stress more, as compare to men who work in day shifts or those who have a day job, as their biological clock gets severely disturbed. They sleep during the day and to keep themselves fresh, they often consume caffeine, which is again badly affects one’s fertility. They also smoke as well, which damages the system further. Prolonged sitting or placing laptops on the lap are also the reason for decreased sperm count.
- Women with target-based jobs are also at risk, as they find it difficult to balance work and home simultaneously.
Many studies have revealed that females are more stressed as compare to males and being infertile puts more pressure on women who are already stressed. A saving grace in today’s day and age is science and technology through which the solutions have been invented, to tackle infertility problems. IVF, ICSI, IUI, surrogacy and many more are the advanced technologies that help couples to overcome infertility.
Ways To De-stress
There are many methods available to tackle stress, such as practicing yoga or meditation, engaging in positive self-talk and reading self-motivational books or watching motivational videos online, going for a vacation, taking pampering sessions in a spa etc.