Boost Concentration With Yoga
“yoga uses simple asanas and breathing exercises to help people improve concentration levels and function better in day-to-day existence”
There are many benefits to yoga and not all of them are related to weight loss. In this fast paced society where most of us cannot even remember what we had for breakfast, yoga helps us concentrate on even the most mundane of things to improve our memory and concentration.
Yoga uses simple asanas and breathing exercises to help people improve concentration levels and function better in day-to-day existence. Here are some benefits of yoga and how it improves concentration.
The asanas that are wonderful for concentration are as follows:
Nadi Shodhan Pranayama or Alternate Nostril Breathing :
The practice of this breathing exercise for a few minutes helps clear the mind. To do this, sit cross legged on a mat. Using your right hand, use your thumb to close your right nostril as you inhale. Release the right nostril, use the ring finger to close the left nostril as you exhale. Switch blocking the nostrils as you practice this exercise.
Anjali Mudra or Salutation Seal :
This simple breathing exercise is wonderful to feel centred. To do this, sit cross legged on a mat and bring your hands together in front of your chest in a prayer pose. Concentrate on inhaling and exhaling as you keep your spine erect and enjoy the relaxed feeling.
Paschimottasan or Forward Bend :
This asana helps relax back muscles and spread a sense of peace. For this, sit on a mat with your legs straight in front of you. Bend your upper body towards the hips and try to touch your toes with your hands. Hold for a few seconds and relax.
Vrksasana or Tree Pose :
This pose is all about balance, To start, stand with your feet at hip distance. Bend your right knee and place your right foot on your left thigh with the toes pointing to the floor. Be careful to maintain balance, hold the pose for 30 seconds and change the leg that rests on the thigh.
Regular practice of these simple asanas can truly help improve concentration and show very positive results in life too.