Tips To Be Emotionally Prepared For Pregnancy
To conceive is a big decision during which a woman goes through several changes – from physical and hormonal to emotional. This is why women need to be prepared emotionally to enjoy this life-changing experience to the fullest. Pregnancy is a so a huge life transition that doesn’t just happen. So instead of sleepwalking into it and then feeling overwhelmed, it pays to prepare yourself emotionally before you enter this phase of your life. Here are three key steps to do it.
Pamper Yourself
Since being a parent would mean keeping the baby’s needs before your own, focus on spending some quality me-time to take care of the emotional aspect. Be it getting a prenatal massage, visiting that destination which you have always wanted to or buying a subscription of your favorite magazine, ensure you do certain things that make you feel happy and pampered. It doesn’t always need to be something indulgent or elaborate. Even shopping for your favorite brand of tea and brewing a cup, could do wonders for your emotional well-being.
Find A Support Group
Be it an online forum, or a support network made of friends, family, mothers and/or expectant mothers, having someone to talk to and ask for advice when you are feeling afraid, confused, sad or overwhelmed could come as a huge emotional relief. Knowing that your feelings or physical symptoms are not abnormal and experienced by several other women who understand what you are going through and offer empathy, would help you to deal with the changes that pregnancy brings.
Focus On Your Health
The decision to conceive needs you to be healthy – both physically and mentally. So, focus on what you eat, maintain a daily exercise routine and learn techniques (deep breathing, meditation, etc.) to beat stress. Be ready to change your lifestyle (no smoking/drinking, no late-night parties, etc.) to start living in the zone conducive to pregnancy.
Follow these steps to prepare yourself emotionally for a healthy, rewarding motherhood.