The Sunny Vitamin D
“Vitamin D regulates the absorption of nutrients that are essential in keeping our bones, teeth and muscles healthy”
Our thoughts on consumption usually revolve around desires and staying fit and healthy. Now, staying fit and healthy usually boils down to a balance between fat and protein. But, Is that all?
Fat and protein have the luxury of getting most of our attention. We overlook vitamins among other nutrients so much. Also, staying fit generally translates to just aesthetics. However, it doesn’t necessarily guarantee your health.
Let’s look into the sunny vitamin D.
What Is It?
Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin that helps us absorb calcium and iron, beneficial for different functions in the body. The sunlight is a major source of vitamin D and the ultraviolet rays trigger vitamin D synthesis when it strikes our skin. It is present in very few foods (mostly animal sources) and can be taken as supplements. Vitamin D regulates the absorption of nutrients that are essential in keeping our bones, teeth and muscles healthy.
Vitamin D Deficiency
Vitamin D deficiency results in rickets and a lack of vitamin D leads to weakened bones and muscles. Frequent muscle aches and pains could be a symptom of vitamin D deficiency. Obesity leads to vitamin D deficiency among other things. Watch out if your body mass index is greater than thirty. Studies have also tied vitamin D deficiency to cardiovascular disease, cognitive impairment in adults, severe asthma in children and even cancer.
So, don’t shun the sun but get your daily dose of sunlight. Also, make sure you take your supplements during winter. And if you’re from a region that barely gets any sun, be sure to check your diet and make some room for the vitamin.