Is food Luring You
Good food ¡s the foundation of genuine happiness. Food is our true love. We love ¡t to the point of obsession but never stop and wonder ¡fit loves us back. The seductive taste of chocolate, cheese, desserts, and smoked meats are like sirens calling out. Within seconds, our willpower cracks and we find ourselves falling hopelessly in love. Love, however, is supposed to be nourishing and perhaps invigorating, but more often than not, our ‘affairs’ with food pass from love to ‘enslavement’ triggering ‘food addictions.’
If junk food, chocolates, desserts, and sweets get the better of you a lot more than necessary, then you might be a willing victim of wrong food choices and bad food addictions. If you know you should not eat something but are repeatedly drawn to the same unhealthy food choices, it is time to pause and examine your relationship with food. It is time to question what the food you eat does for your health. Does it make your skin glow? Does it strengthen your bones and nourish body systems? What do you get in return for your love and addiction to food? It is now the time to find a way out of these unhealthy ‘love affairs’ and take a step towards awareness and liberation.
“There is no love more sincere than the love of food.” – George Bernard Shaw
Food ¡s not our enemy and we cannot spend our lives fighting food. Foods are our fuel; they nourish us and give us pleasure. Nevertheless, for many people, uncontrolled eating starts with gaining a few pounds. Food habits gone askew may also lead us to towards type 2 diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular illness. Often people do not recognize the price they pay for these food ‘affairs.’ Usted below are some steps that will build physical resilience against cravings and unhealthy food choices.
Stay Away From Addictive Foods
Foods like chocolate, cheese and meat release neurochemicals such as dopamine, serotonin, endorphins and adrenaline that trigger feelings of pleasure, joy, energy and excitement respectively. The stimulating nature of these foods makes us want to eat them and choose them over healthier options.
Choose Smart Foods
Natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and complex carbohydrates that contain macro and micronutrients such as fibre, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients keep blood sugar steady. This ensures that the hunger stays within limits.
Reflect On The Triggers
Most common triggers that result in wrong food choices are emotions such as sadness, boredom, loneliness, anger, stress and even extreme joy. Use other therapies to manage emotions.
Exercise And Rest
Exercise regularly and ensure adequate rest, as ¡t regulates hormonal levels. Exercise results ¡n optimal health and releases natural body opiates or endorphins that release feelings of happiness, It also eliminates the need for exciting foods.
Use Non-Food Rewards
Initially, it helps to reward yourself with non-food gifts every time you are able to resist temptation. Later on when choosing smart foods over wrong foods becomes a habit; you can look for other motivations to sustain the healthy lifestyle.
Avoid Unhealthy Eating
Habits – Look at whether your work or social life ¡s contributing to poor eating habits and if so, see what you can do about ¡t. Carry healthy snacks to work or when travelling or socializing. When you have healthy foods at hand, you can easily avoid the trigger foods regardless of the occasion or location.
To be healthy, think positively and visualize yourself as a health vigilant individual. Respecting your body and caring enough to nourish lito optimal health is a matter of awareness, discipline and resilience. So get set and go realize the healthy life you always wanted. And if you’ve been struggling with foods with less success than you like, you may want to pay close attention to the six points given here. All these serve as food addiction triggers.
Foods that stimulate – chocolate, coffee, tea, meat, cheese and sugar.
Emotions – depression, anger, sadness, guilt, boredom, loneliness, irritation, stress and joy.
Occasions – festivals, family get-togethers, weddings, birthdays and other celebrations, eating out and socializing.
Nutrient deficiencies – often manifest as cravings and soon turn into addictions. Craving ¡s experienced when attempts to restrict intake of certain foods cause the desire for that food to become more salient.
Biochemical disorders or discrepancies – these could be manifested as imbalanced hormonal rhythms, mental incongruities, abnormal sleep patterns, weight fluctuations, etc.
Irregular eating – frequent or ‘yo-yo’ dieting and skipping meals.