MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Sources of energy with Answers: Students CBSE Board Exams 2020 Time Table is out now. The board is going to conduct a Class 10 CBSE Science Exam on 4th March 2020. As per their official notification, this time CBSE Exam Pattern 2020 is having slight changes. The board decided to add MCQ Questions for Class 10 CBSE Board Exams. Here, you will find important MCQs from CBSE Class 10 Science Chapter 14 Sources of energy along with the answers.
CBSE Class 10 Science MCQs of Sources of energy with Answers
Such Multiple Choice Type Questions are ideal to brushes your basic concepts to answer in CBSE Class 10 Science Exam 2020. Also, this objective type questions will help you to adjust with all various approaches. In this article, we have provided Sources of energy MCQ Questions for Class 10 CBSE Science Exam 2020 with a detailed explanation of answers. It makes easy to grasp the in-depth concept and logic of the question. So, practice below provided MCQ’s of CBSE Class 10 Chapter 14 Sources of energy topics to score maximum marks in your pre-board and final board exams.
Question 1. A good fuel should possess
(a) high ignition temperature
(b) moderate ignition temperature
(c) high calorific value
(d) both high calorific value and moderate ignition temperature
Answer: d
Question 2. The variety of coal which has the highest car-bon content
(a) Anthracite
(b) Peat
(c) Bituminous
(d) Lignite
Answer: a
Question 3. Unit of calorific value of a substance is
(a) Kcal
(b) Joules
(c) J kg
(d) J/kg
Answer: d
Question 4. Biogas is formed in the
(a) presence of air only
(b) presence of water only
(c) absence of air only
(d) presence of water and absence of air
Answer: d
Question 5. Solar energy can be directly converted to elec-trical energy by which of the following de-vices?
(a) solar cooker
(b) solar heater
(c) solar cell
(d) solar geyser
Answer: c
Question 6. Which of the following is the ultimate source of energy?
(a) Water
(b) Sun
(c) Fossil fuels
(d) Uranium
Answer: b
Question 7. Which of the following gases is the main con-stituent of natural gas?
(a) Methane
(b) Ethane
(c) Propane
(d) Butane
Answer: a
Question 8. Which element is used in solar cells?
(a) Carbon
(b) Silicon
(c) Phosphorous
(d) Sulphur
Answer: b
Question 9. Ocean thermal energy is produced due to
(a) pressure difference at different levels in the ocean.
(b) temperature difference at different levels in the ocean.
(c) energy stored by waves in the ocean.
(d) tides rising out of the ocean.
Answer: b
Question 10. A device in which electricity is produced by the process of controlled nuclear fission reaction is called
(a) nuclear chain reaction
(b) hydel power plant
(c) nuclear reactor
(d) thermal power plant
Answer: c
Question 11. One major problem in harnessing nuclear energy is
(a) converting nuclear energy into electrical energy.
(b) sustaining the reaction.
(e) splitting the nuclei.
(d) disposing off spent fuel easily.
Answer: d
Question 12. Spent slurry (Bio-waste after obtaining biogas) is used as
(a) fuel
(b) manure
(c) food for livestock
(d) used again for generating biogas
Answer: b
Fill in the Blanks
1. In the wind energy farms, the wind speed should be higher than ………. to maintain the required speed of
the turbine.
2. The energy produced during controlled ………. reactions is used for generating electricity at nuclear
power plants.
3. The energy available due to the difference in the temperature of water at the surface of the ocean and at
deeper levels is called ………. .
4. Biogas is produced by the ………. of animal wastes or plant wastes in the presence of water.
5. Biogas is an excellent fuel as it contains 75% ………. along with other gases like ………., ………. and ………. .
1. 15 km/h
2. nuclear fission
3. Ocean thermal energy
4. anaerobic degradation
5. methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and hydrogen sulphide
you can also practice more MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Sources of energy with Answers PDF from here
We hope the given MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Sources of energy with Answers PDF will help you. If you have any query regarding CBSE Class 10 Science Chapter 14 Sources of energy Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.