UP Board 10th and 12th Result 2020 Update: As per the official communication, the UPMSP has commenced evaluation of answer sheets for High School and Intermediate Exams only in 20 districts identified as Green zone. The evaluation work in these districts will continue from 5th May until 20th May 2020. This leaves the majority i.e. over 55 districts in the state where answer sheet evaluation work has not commenced yet due to the lockdown announced due to Coronavirus pandemic. Today, principal secretary secondary education Aradhna Shukla issued a clarifying order, which confirmed that the evaluation work will only begin in areas that fall under green zone i.e. 20 districts. She also said that orders about commencement of answer sheet check in the rest 55 districts that fall under Orange and Red Zone will be issued by the Department separately.
Decision after Protest from Students, Evaluators
The decision to only limit the evaluation work to the Green Zone areas amid the on-going COVID-19 lockdown comes after protests from teachers and evaluators from red zone areas, who refused to participate and threatened to boycott the evaluation work altogether. Despite assurances from the UP Board and the state government about following of social distancing norms as well as taking the necessary precautions; teachers said that they were not confident about participating in the evaluation process, especially in districts which are hotspots from where high number of COVID-19 cases are being reported.
UP Board Results to be Delayed
With evaluation work for UP Board Exam 2020 only going on in 20 districts, it is highly likely that the UP Board Result 2020 is likely to be delayed, if evaluation work doesn’t commence in other 55 districts, which fall under Red Zone Areas. Even if teachers complete the checking of answer sheet for 20 districts, there is no way that UPMSP will be able to declare results only for these.
Evaluation From Home Option Being Explored
To ensure timely completion of the evaluation work and to ensure that UP Board 10th and 12th Results are not delayed further, the Parishad is exploring the option of evaluation from home for the teachers in red and orange zone areas. RP Mishra, state secretary, UP Madhyamik Shikshak Sangh said that the UPMSP should explore option of Evaluation from Home which will allow teachers to check the answer sheets from the safety of their homes. Already, Haryana and Madhya Pradesh Governments have allowed teachers to check board exam answer sheets from home due to the on-going lockdown.