Exam time is loaded with stress. It can affect your health as well as performance. Here are some tips to beat exam stress.
Board exams are here. Exams are loaded with stress for both students and parents. Students are highly busy to perform their best. With test papers, sample papers, extra classes, important question etc. there is an endless list of tasks to be completed in a short span. Many students find it difficult to focus during exams due to various reasons. Increased stress can also affect their performance as well as preparation. Not just performance, too much stress is also not good for one’s health. Some students also experience anxiety during exam time. Here are some tips for all the students to beat exam stress effectively.
Board exams 2020: Tips to beat exam stress
1. Keep your desk organised
To reduce stress, keep your desk and room organised. A clean room will help you control unnecessary stress. Keep all your books in an organised manner so that you do not have to waste time searching for books and notebooks to study.
2. Eat a healthy diet
Your diet can also affect your stress levels during exam time. Avoid junk food as much as possible. According to a study presented at the annual European Congress on Obesity (ECO) in Glasgow, UK, a diet that consists of more fast foods and fewer fruits and vegetables can trigger stress during exams. Reduce your sugar intake and consume a healthy diet.
3. Reduce mobile phone use and exercise
Mobile phones are not just a distraction. Smartphones can also contribute to stress during exams time. Checking social media, comparison with others or over-dependency on smartphones can cause stress. Keep your phone down and indulge your self in exercise every morning for a few minutes.
4. Make a plan
Planning helps you reduce more than half of the stress. Make a plan which can help you organise your study time, playtime and how you are going to study. It will help you prevent last-minute stress and confusion.
5. Ensure better sleep
Proper sleep is extremely important for everyone. Many students consume caffeine during exams to avoid sleepiness. A good night’s sleep is essential for your body and mind to ensure proper rest. You should also sleep properly for 6-8 hours a night before exams.
Don’t let the pressure hold you back in any way. All the best!