The Power Of A Smile!
As smiling is a part of the thinking process, by default, it can easily be classified as the easiest way of reacting to a situation. However, it can definitely be argued that not all smiles are fruitful results of cognition. Be it intentional or accidental, a smile bears some kind of power within and depicts its strength in various situations.
Transcends Language Barriers
Ideal situations explain that smiling is a positive and pleasant mode of human interaction. It can also be considered as one of the most simple and obvious ways of expression, especially when language requirements take a backseat. Thus, smiling is considered to be one of the most powerful and major tools of non-verbal communication.
Depicts Various Emotions
A smile and its categories are as vast as we want it to be. Mysterious, cunning, deceptive, angry, funny, nervous, clueless, friendly, elated, anticipatory, expectation, you name it and a sea of emotions can be depicted through a smile! It starts as early as a new-born baby. Further, the expectation of a social smile during developmental stages denotes the connection to the world.
Reinforces Bonds
For children, understanding perceptions and forming connections in the adult world with limited knowledge of language is very individualistic. Nevertheless, they manage well, giving importance to their own interpretations. This is what probably makes a smile of a child different and special indeed! A smile spreads its wings across all age groups, intellectual capabilities, and situations. It shows itself in every possible situation and takes the lead in governing one’s physical and mental health.
Lends Support
A smile makes itself available for anyone, anytime and helps to connect the dots within society. Smiling is a source of direction that is personal as well as connected to all around Irrespective of the activities that we do in our daily routine, we all find support in smiling. It is used by each one of us in various extents, measured or unmeasured, depending on how much we are ready to give out, but nevertheless present in our default settings!