Safeguard Yourself Against These Common Winter Ailments

Safeguard Yourself Against These Common Winter Ailments

“Those with low immunity, over 65 years of age and those suffering with diabetes and kidney diseases are more prone to flu”

As the climate gets colder, a number of ailments tend to increase because of a decrease in physical activities and lower temperatures during winter time. Moreover, other conditions like joint pains, cold sores, dry skin and ear infections also flare up during this time of the year.

But with the right preventive steps you can keep these ailments at bay and enjoy the season. There are also several other reasons that can be the cause of your winter woes. Here are some common winter ailments you need to protect yourself against.

The Common Winter Ailments


Those with low immunity, over 65 years of age and those suffering with diabetes and kidney diseases are more prone to flu. The flu spreads via the air by coughing and sneezing. It also spreads by direct contact of an infected surface to the hands which transfers it to the mouth or nose. The best prevention for flu is to use a flu nasal spray for young children or vaccination for adults and home treatment.


Common cough, running nose, headaches, post nasal drip are some common symptoms of sinusitis and it is normally triggered by a bacterial or viral infection.

Sore Throat

The reason for almost all sore throat conditions during the winter season are viral infections which is made worse if a person frequently moves from and air conditioned room, outside and then again comes back indoors. This results in a temperature change in the nose and throat.

Whooping Cough (Pertussis)

This disease is most common in people over 15 and is highly contagious causing severe violent uncontrollable coughing. Vaccination for children and immune boosters for young children are some precautionary steps against whooping cough. Vaccination for adults over 65 is a must for prevention of this disease. Hospitalization of children or people with a weak immune system could be a life-saving measure, as this disease can be fatal for them.


It is caused by the flu viruses which infect the small air bags in the lungs causing swelling and fluid collection. Fever, cough, runny nose and pain in the head or body along with difficulty in breathing indicates a pneumonia infection.


It is caused by a virus that affects young children and causes a swelling and mucus collection in the smallest branches of the lungs. The virus spreads by direct contact with the nose and throat fluids of someone who is infected. The hands need to be washed frequently as a protective measure.


It is common during winter and a blocked nose, itchy feeling in the nose, scratchy throat, with or without fever are some common symptoms of colds. It is caused by a viral or bacterial infection, either from the air or directly when another person coughs or sneezes near you.


Cold air is a major trigger factor for asthma attacks with wheezing and shortness of breath.

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