Mouth Guards Can Provide Respite From A TMJ Disorder

Mouth Guards Can Provide Respite From A TMJ Disorder

Does discomfort and pain in your jaw and neck areas sound familiar? Do you often hear a clicking or cracking sound, the moment you open or close your mouth? Beware, because these are characteristic symptoms of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder.

The Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)

TMJ is joints located right in front of the ear or are placed on either side of the head. The TMJ along with the surrounding ligaments clamp the lower jawbone to the skull’s temporal bone. Along with facilitating facial expressions, eating and speaking, TMJ is one of the most intricate joints in the human body. This dental disorder is typically a condition which troubles the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), linking the jawline to the lower portion of the skull.

The TMJ Disorder

Often connected to high levels of stress, this syndrome results in the damage of teeth, bite problems, severe headaches, visual disturbances, migraines and a buzzing sound in the ears. When this condition goes untreated, it aggravates the problem and the pain prolongs. In extreme cases, surgery is recommended to correct the bite and to readjust the jaw. However, most dentists opt for non-surgical and non-invasive methods to prevent health risks, which includes the use of a mouthguard.

Types Of Mouth Guards

TMJ mouth guards that include night guards, an orthotic device or bite binds are considered as non-offensive devices made of plastic, condensing discomfort and discouraging harmful behaviours while fixing a faulty bite over a span of time. For most TMJ patients, mouth guards are a smart choice over surgery as they offer ease and respite without medication and may even fix the faulty bite for good. Mouthguards are divided into two types – night guards and splints.

For most patients with a TMJ disorder, mouth guards are a smart choice over surgery as they offer ease and respite without medication

Night Guards
These guards are made of flexible and soft plastic which is fitted over the teeth while one sleeps. An effective option for those who are habituated to grinding their teeth, the device protects the enamels from wear and tear and allows the jaw to ease. Custom-made night guards are far more helpful in treating TMJ symptoms, since they are easier to wear and helps safeguard an individual’s natural bite.

Splint Treatment
Apart from averting harm or relieving pain and agony, splint therapy improves the bite. It is also an excellent option for patients diagnosed with advanced symptoms of TMJ, or those who have glitches with their bite (without the grinding of their teeth). The splint varieties include full coverage splints, partial splints, directive splints, and permissive splints.

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