How To Prevent Chafes And Bedsores
Care For Bedridden Persons
The program of bedsores prevention consists of risk evaluation, load on oppressed tissues, diet and anti bedsores hygiene. Every mentioned element is essential for correct functioning of the program. Skipping any part will make the effort ineffective. Prevention of irritations and skin damage is very often an underestimated part of bedsores’ prophylaxis. Adequate body care, especially of the intimate areas is a base for all activities aiming at maintaining a proper skin condition of bedridden persons.
Risk Of Bedsores And Bladder Weakness
Forty per cent of bedsores occurs in the sacral region of the spinal cord because of the halt-sit position of majority of the bedridden persons. There are different ways to measure the risk of bedsores and one such way is the functioning of anal and urethral sphincters. It turns out that sphincters’ control disorder is an important reason accompanying bedsores formation because of an unfavourable environment (like higher temperature, wetness, and contact with urine) for the skin inside a diaper. Proper anti-bedsores hygiene is essential to prevent any skin irritations which may lead to more serious skin changes.
Skin Irritation: Lurking Danger
Preventing skin irritations is the first step to prevent bedsores. The natural protection for the skin is the epidermis and its acidic lipid coat that maintains an optimal degree of skin hydration and greasiness as well as preventing the growth of pathogenic bacteria. Glands responsible for sebum and sweat production (which are elements of the protective layer) fade away with ageing. This is the reason why skin becomes unprotected and exposed to dryness, sensitiveness and irritations. Also, a burning sensation, pinching, tightness, reddening and peeling may occur in reaction to irritants like urine, sweat, soap, wetness and higher temperature. The basis for bedridden persons’ care is to limit skin contact with those substances.
Anti-Decubitus Hygiene
Every time and whenever it is possible, the caregiver should pay attention to worrying indications of skin irritation especially during cleaning or position change. The most alarming sign is reddening of the skin, testifying to impaired blood microcirculation or irritation development and skin breakdown, very often resulting from scratching. Scratching comes from skin hypersensitivity manifested by itching and a burning sensation leading to skin breakdown. Therefore, prevention is a key in skin care.
When it comes to cleaning, the washing preparations and manner has to be delicate. Nowadays the use of soap is not the right way of body cleaning and especially for the intimate areas. Soap belongs to the group of irritants because of its pH above seven: it destroys the protective layer of the skin treating it as pollution and leaves a pathogenic bacteria friendly environment on the skin.
The natural skin coat has acidic pH of 5.5 and all products used for skin care should have pH value of 5-6. It is important to use moisturizers and oils while changing the diaper especially on the crotch area because of its regular contact with wetness and higher temperature; it is also a good way to improve blood circulation by applying creams in a circular motion as well as by gentle patting. The caregiver should also pay attention to any skin changes and protruding bones. Skin care in bedridden persons also largely depends on the choice of diapers. Choosing breathable products lets the skin breathe as air can flow easily lowering wetness and temperature in comparison to toil, non-breathable di ape rs.