Here’s How IVF Helps Get Rid Of The Risk Of Transmitting Genetic Disorders
“Through a technique named ‘early pronuclear transfer’ doctors can now select embryos that are free of dangerous mutations which are carried by any one of the parents”
Medical science has provided hope to the millions of couples who want to experience parenthood but couldn’t, due to various issues like physical deformities, infertility, and genetic disorders, But with various fertility treatments and ART (Assisted Reproductive Technologies) like IUI (Intra Uterine Insemination), IVF (In Vitro Fertilization), Surrogacy etc. childless couples can now conceive and have a healthy baby.
Couples with a serious genetic disorder like Down’s syndrome, thalassemia etc. have major chances of transferring the disease to their child and that’s why parents with a genetic disease, are afraid to plan a pregnancy to avoid passing fatal diseases or lifelong illnesses to their child. However, the IVF technique has now provided hope to thousands of such couples.
The Perfect Answer (IVF)
The IVF procedure uses female eggs and male sperms that are fertilized outside the body and hence, the doctors have complete control over the development of the embryo. Over the years. the IVF technique has undergone a vast development which is a boon for couples with genetic diseases. Through a technique named early pronuclear transfer, doctors can now select embryos that are free of dangerous mutations which are carried by any one of the parents.
Generally, the common test procedures require months of testing in labs. But with this technique, the mapping can be done within two weeks, along with the IVF treatment.
According to experts IVF is a great technique for couples with a high risk of passing deadly diseases to their baby.
For instance if both the partners have thalassemia major. their child is vulnerable to acquire this disorder. However, if they are conceiving their baby via IVF, it is possible to know whether the baby will have the disease or not, because only the healthy chromosomes are chosen for fertilization and hence, it significantly reduces the chances of passing on the genetic disorders to the baby.
About The Technique
IVF techniques and methodologies are faster, less expensive, and powerful and hence, can be done easily. The technique includes a simple set of embryos that are biopsied. Also, the DNAs of both the parents are evaluated thoroughly and only embryos that have a normal set of chromosomes are transferred. So, basically testing is done on the embryos before they are implanted. so that couples do not have to face the dilemma of terminating the pregnancy later on.