All You Need To Know About Corns And Calluses
A corn is caused by the build-up of hard. dead skin over an area of pressure or bony prominence. The hard skin is produced by special skin cells called keratinocytes, which are present throughout the entire epidermal layer of skin.
Corns are the body’s attempt at protecting itself from friction or pressure, but unfortunately, the extra skin becomes a painful problem in many cases. They are often cone-like and most commonly found on the toe joints. In fact, people who are very accommodating. adoptive to emotions and those who take on stress in life, are commonly afflicted with this problem. In homoeopathy, personality trait are observed along with the disease and then the patient is given the indicated medicine that cures the ailment.
What Are Corns? Calluses
You may have a corn if you have a small. round area of thickened skin over a toe joint. Corns and calluses are annoying but it is formed by your body for the protection of sensitive skin.
Corns generally appear on the tops and side of one’s feet. A hard corn is usually a small patch that consists of dead and thickened skin including a central core. A soft corn is much smaller in size with a thin surface and one may find it between the fourth and fifth toe.
If you have repeated friction in any part of your body, It can develop calluses, If your hands and feet has been rubbing continuously against any object it may be the cause of common calluses.
The Causes
Corns and calluses mainly trouble you or appear on your feet due to an inappropriate walking motion, Ill-fitting shoes, wearing high heels or constant rubbing of the footwear can be blamed for corns and calluses. High heel shoes put pressure on the toes and make women victims of foot problems.
If you ever experience any calluses developed without a clear source of pressure, it should be checked by a doctor, since it may be caused by other sources like splinters trapped under the skin. The chances of bacterial infection are more on one’s feet because most of the time the feet are in a moist environment. And bacteria may just infect the corn, after which, it will release a fluid.
Major Signs And Symptoms
In the case of corns or calluses, most patients say that they feel as if they are walking on stones. Other signs and symptoms that can be the cause of corns are:
- Hardened and raised bump.
- Area of the skin is rough and thick.
- Flaky, waxy and dry skin.
- Tenderness or painful feeling under the skin.
Corns Vs. Calluses
- Calluses are bigger in size than corns.
- Generally, there is a hard centre in corns surrounded by inflamed skin.
- Corns may give you pain it pressed but calluses normally don’t.
- You may find calluses under the heels, on the soles of your feet or may be on the knees.
Corns or calluses may become inflamed or painful and in case of any severity. immediate medical attention should be sought. Also, it is advised that patients with some metabolic diseases like diabetes should consult a doctor before self-treating corns or calluses.
Prevention And Precautions
- Every evening wash your feet with soap and water. It would be better it you could use a scrubbing brush as well.
- Use moisturizing cream on your feet alter washing and drying it well.
- Wear well fitted shoes and be sure that its seams don’t rub against your skin.
- If you are planning to buy new shoes, go for it during the later hour of the day because as the day progresses. your feet swell slightly.
- Don’t ignore any skin irritation or foot pain.
- Regularly get a check-up done by a doctor.
- Gently remove the hard skin.
- Change socks daily and make sure that your feet don’t become sweaty.