Cause Of Diseases In Modern Day
There are many aspects to disease. If you look at the word ‘disease,’ more closely, it is dis-ease. It is a condition when you are not at ease. Your body does not know how to rest. When it does not know how to rest, the energies become chaotic. For example, if people with asthma attend Isha Yoga programs and begin to do their kriyas and meditate, the asthma completely gets cured for many of them. For others, it just partially goes. And for a few others, there is no change at all. This is because the causes of asthma are different for different people.
With one person, it is chaotic energy. But after three days of practicing kriyas, the energy becomes more organized and the asthma disappears. With another person. one part of it is chaotic energy and another part has deeper karmic reasons, so it only partially goes. For those who experience no change at all, there are very strong karmic reasons that cause the disease. There might also be external situations, which have not changed.
So, how can karma cause disease? There is something called prarabdha. It means the allotted karma for this lifetime to a person. There are many aspects to this. To put ¡t in simple terms, karma is written in to your mind, body, sensations, and your energy. It is most basic on the level of energy and is the fundamental recording for a person. Though information can be recorded on energy, I am not sure if it is being explored scientifically, but I know that someday. science will find a way of recording information on energy.
Energy itself functions in a certain way. Everybody’s energy, or prana does not behaves according to their Karmic bondage. So, the deepest recording is in energy. This is like karmic backups
At one point in time, whatever we wanted to record, we had to write on stone tablets. Then we moved onto books. Now, what could be written on a thousand tablets can be written in a single book. What could be written in a thousand books can be recorded on a compact disk, What could be put onto a thousand compact disks, we can now store on a small chip. Someday, what we now store in a million chips will be able to get recorded on a little bit of energy. This is a living experience within me.
I know it is possible. because it is happening within me all the time, and it is happening within you also. The energy itself functions in a certain way. Everybody’s energy, or prana, does not behave the same way. It behaves according to their ka rm ¡C bondage. So, the deepest recording is in energy. This is like karmic backups. If you lose your mind, it is still in the body. If you lose your body, it is still in the energy: it remains in the backup systems. So therefore, energy has allotments.
The major portion of your karma is the energy that ¡s allotted for activity. The physical body is the major thing in you, even today. So ninety-five per cent of the time, the maximum allotted energy goes towards activity. This proportion may vary from person to person, but usually it is like this. Nowadays, people do not use their body the way they used to, since the activity level in modern life has come down dramatically. And if this unused energy stays in the body. it could easily cause disease.
The modem mind is going through a unique kind of neurosis which was not there in the past, because man has stopped using his body to a large extent. When you involve yourself intensely in physical activity, a lot of your neuroses are worked out, because your nervous energy is used but modem man has become more inactive and more neurotic than ever before. It has become a common phenomenon in society that everybody is in some level of neurosis. This, is simply because the energy allotted for physical activity is not worked out. It is trapped within because the physical activity is so low.
You can see, people involved in high levels of activity in the form of a sport, say a mountain climber (because of the full utilization of physical activity) you will find him or her in a different level of balance and peace. You will not find such a person so entangled in sexuality and other physical drives. This is simply because one aspect of him/her has found full expression.
There are other aspects also to disease. There are karmic reasons why your energy functions in a certain way and causes disease, It people are diseased for karmic reasons, that’s different, but many people in the world need not have disease. Today, medical science is more advanced than ever before, yet people have not become free of disease. So, both the physical and emotional energies, though they have large allotments, are not being used.
The only thing being used is mental energy. What is allotted for thought, is being used to a large extent in today’s world. For example. let us say there is money allotted in your country’s budget: this much for education, this much for development, this much for industry, and this much for power. The major allotment goes toward energy, but it is not used. If you do not use it, your economy suffers. That is what is happening in the body.
The author is a yogi, mystic, visionary, and a prominent spiritual leader. He ¡s also a poet, author and renowned speaker of international repute. www. isha foundation. org