Boost Your Health With Tofu

Boost Your Health With Tofu

Due to regular environmental changes, pollution and eating habits, the chances of humans contracting life-threatening diseases is high. But antioxidants can immensely improve the immune system of the body. Antioxidants also play an important role in fighting diseases, avoiding free radicals and even preventing cancer. Tofu, a soy protein mostly well-known ¡n China, America and Japan, is a food that is a rich source of antioxidants and also a rich source of selenium, which is a mineral that is very important for the proper functioning of antioxidants.

Tofu can also help reduce the chances of asthma, early ageing and arthritis. It also helps prevent cardiovascular diseases as the abundance of magnesium in this food help sreduce the risk of heart attacks. Tofu also controls blood pressure levels as well as blood sugar levels and when made part of the diet and consumed on a regular basis, tofu can even combat type 2 diabetes.

The abundance of magnesium in this food helps reduce the risk of heart attacks

Nutritive Value

  • Tofu is a part of the soy family which is known for being a rich source of protein. Protein helps in tissue building and makes the hair and skin healthy
  • It prevents early ageing as well as keeps the body young and healthy. A very good source of iron, tofu helps the cells to supply oxygen to every part of the body. It also aids in maintaining haemoglobin levels in the blood
  • Tofu is rich in copper, so eating it regularly might help prevent rheumatoid arthritis. And besides the presence of essential minerals and vitamins, tofu is a rich source of fibre which helps with digestion
  • This food is also very useful during menopause as it contains certain types of phytoestrogens which help with post-menopausal osteoporosis
  • Tofu is rich in calcium and magnesIum and can help In maintaining bone health
  • It does not contain any saturated fats and this is good, because saturated fats are the major cause of heart diseases in people
  • High amounts of amino acids and fatty acids are provided to the body with tofu and this helps prevent depression, maintains good cholesterol levels and also reduces levels of bad cholesterol

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