A Woman’s Guide To Health And Well-being
The ideal and most workable plan for wellness involves adding certain lifestyle modifications
Women of today have tremendous pressures to handle on a day-to-day basis, be with regard to families, relationships. kids, careers and many other responsibilities and commitments. And all this multi-tasking leaves very little time for self-care or me-time. However, undoubtedly all women want to feel healthy and look attractive and not be weak and riddled with problems like osteoporosis, hypertension, diabetes etc.
They are also sensitive about their weight and the risk of obesity and the impact it has on their health or on the way they look. Therefore, the ideal and most workable plan for wellness involves adding certain Iitestye modifications to their priority list and this includes sound nutrition and food choices, regular productive physical activities like exercises, yoga, meditation and rest. Listed here are a few health guidelines which when incorporated regularly will enhance energy, health and stamina and will also delay the ageing process.
- Don’t make excuses for exercising as it increases productivity, energy, strength, stamina and flexibility. It is a win-win situation physiologically too – heightened metabolism, better endocrine, digestive and cardiovascular efficiency and most certainly anti ageing! If boredom is the excuse, try team or group sessions like calisthenics, boot camp. Pilates, dance or add variety with team sports or brisk walks with friends to keep you motivated. You can’t go wrong. your exercise schedule for the day can include warm up exercises like spot jogging, side stretches, neck and arm rotations and leg kicks.
Tone your lower body with moves like lunge kicks, front and side kicks, squats, push ups. arm exercises and shoulder press with light dumbbells for the upper body. Work on the muscles of your core with crunches, yogasanas like bhujangasana. naukasana, bridge pose and plank pose. All these are easy and doable exercises to keep injuries away, to energise and tone and soothe your muscles, for better posture and self-confidence.
- Breathing or pranayama must be done regularly as it revitalizes the body and mind, removes and clears confusion and clutter and promotes clarity of thought.
- Prayer is empowering and gives you the mental power to take on the day-to-day pressures and anxieties. Spending a few minutes of your time on prayers will help remove psychological toxins and negative emotional baggage.
- Sleep, rest and relaxation have a crucial effect on healing and in reducing stress and also boosts mental and physical vitality.
- Be food smart and eat wisely. Add variety and plan to include foods rich in fibre like whole grains, oats, millets, fruits, veggies, sprouts, beans, nuts and seeds etc. Have frequent and small helpings of food to keep your energy going. Avoid junk snacks and binge eating. Have a healthy breakfast of fruits or oats. This results in lower calorie consumption throughout the day. Also, keep a check on the amount or portion size.
- Drink lots of water. Hydration is a great way to maintain your body’s alkalinity and to make your skin radiant and moisturized. Juices of wheat grass, amIa, tulsi, vegetables, pomegranates. Herbal/green teas or just plain hot water are excellent for rejuvenating your health and skin.
- Caring for your hair, skin and teeth are vital for one’s self confidence and self-esteem. Treat yourself to massages, skin and spa treatments and facials to give you a sense of well-being. These also help to relax and rejuvenate you, improves blood circulation and oxygenation.
- Incorporate good fats (omega 3 fatty acids found in walnuts, seeds etc.) Although, high in calories, nuts help protect the heart and are high in nutrients and fibre.
- Find time to plan a hobby. Reading. music, painting, dancing, meeting friends for movies etc. can energize you and make you content and vibrant.
- Socialise with friends and family. Plan holidays together. But, avoid excessive or frequent drinking of alcohol. An occasional drink with friends or family and red wines are more appropriate for health. The antioxidants in red wine have many health benefits. Enjoy them but control how much you consume.
- Have realistic goals about life and give your expectations a reality check. When you are flexible in your expectations you tend to become less irritable or stressed. Your attitude and body language plays a big role in making you look and feel beautiful and confident.
- Nurture relationships, adopt a positive attitude, promote good communication, respect others and have a warm and caring disposition for building better relationships, stability and bliss.
Staying healthy and content and youthful in your thoughts, actions and words can go a long way to reconnect the faculties of your mind, body and soul to keep them alive with a sense of wholeness. So ladies, celebrate lite with fulfilment and choose evolution over entropy.