Tomatoes are the most common and popular plants that grow in many gardens and agricultural land. When we check out the freedom app to grow tomatoes, sirisha Kandula has been explained about growing tomato plants in the right way. In this article, we will see answers to some questions that come to our mind, if you want to start growing Tomatoes.
Check out the article completely, as we have explained some of the questions like how to start tomato cultivation, how much profit we get, how much investment is needed, What fertilizers we need to use, and many more are explained.
What is the Best Way to Grow Tomato Plants?
As we all know, tomato farming or cultivation will be done normally on land, but do you know the best way? The staking method is the best way to grow tomato plants than the traditional method.
By using this method, the tomato will not touch the land, so the tomato will not get damaged and it will be good and shiny. In normal traditional cultivation of tomato crops, you will get 16 to 20 tonnes of yield you will get but with the staking method, 25-40 tonnes of yield you will get.
What are the Best Varieties of Tomatoes We Have for Cultivation?
Some of the varieties of tomato plants that are available in the market are PKM1, Akka Vikas, Pusa Ruby, Marutham, and many more.
Which Type of Land is Best For Tomato Cultivation?
When we see the type of land that will be best for the cultivation of tomatoes, then fertile soils, clay soils, and saline alluvial soil will be the best land for cultivating tomato plants. Also, the PH level of the land that has 6.0 to 7.0 is the best.
What is the Best Season To Cultivate Tomato Plants?
If we are thinking about the best season to cultivate tomato plants, normally, if you see we can cultivate the tomato crop all over the year. But, tomato plants cannot able to survive in heavy rainfall. So, the winter season will be the best season we can say to cultivate the tomato crop.
Some of the farmers say that the rabi season will also be best. If you are not aware of this season, in farmers’ language, they say June to July is the Kharif season, and October to November will be the rabi season. And even the summer season will also be best as you get a huge yield of tomatoes.
What are the Best Weather Conditions for Tomato Cultivation?
To get the best tomatoes from the tomato crop, the weather temperature should be between 21 degrees C to 24 degrees C will be best and the color and quality of the tomatoes will be good.
When we are cultivating tomatoes, moderate rains are needed for the best development and bright tomatoes. Tomato crops cannot stand in the temperature which is less than 10 degrees and above 32 degrees.
How To Prepare Nursery Beds To Grow Tomato Crop?
When we see the way of placing nursery beds to grow tomato crops, the space between each bed should be 50 – 70 cm. So that the place will be good to walk between the plants to water the plants, check the plants, and give any fertilizers that will be suitable.
To sow the seeds in the nursery beds, the amount of seeds that are needed to sow for one acre of land will be 200gms will be necessary. Also, use Trichoderma Vride for unnecessary pests with the amount of 4 gms for 1 kilo seeds.
Seeds need to be sown with 1-3 centimeters of depth. And not to get higher temperatures, the tomato seeds should be covered with rice straw or sugar cane leaves.
And when we get saplings from tomato seed then rice straw and sugarcane leaves should be removed. When you think about removing tomato plants from nursery beds, leave them without any water for the past week so that the stem of the plant will become strong and by seeing the water humidity, you need to water the plants.
What Type of Fertilizers Can We Use For Tomato Plants?
Before you start to cultivate the tomato crop, from the last 4 to 5 days you need to flow the water and you need to keep it ready for tomato crop. Before planting the tomato saplings, you need to use fertilizers like Nuvakran (15 ml) and Dithane M-45 (25 gms).
By mixing both of them with 10 liters of water you need to soak it for 5-6 minutes and give it to the plants in evening times.
How To Preserve This Tomato Crop from Insects and Pests?
When we see about insects and pests, initially we see nut borers, these nut borers will dig into the tomato with small holes and will completely damage the tomato. With these pests, the tomato yield can decrease from 40 to 50%.
So, not to get these pests to your crop you need to spray NVP in appropriate doses for the plants that are in age of 40 – 45 days.
Next, you will see a white mosquito which is very dangerous for tomato crops as it will lay eggs on the back side of the leaves. So that it affects the plant. When you observe it at the start, you need to keep the sticks with yellow cloth or paper and also provide Bravo 20 SL then we need to spray.
To prevent leaf minimal pests from the plant you need to use neem oil and if you think that it was grown more triozol needs to be used.
Can We Grow Tomatoes Continuously Crop by Crop in the Same Land?
No, it is better to avoid, continuous farming of tomato crops in the same land, crop after crop. Definetly, farmers should follow crop rotation methods to get the best yield. At least 6 month’s gap will be good between each tomato crop.
How Much Investment Does This Tomato Crop Need and How Much Profits Do We Get?
When we see the complete list like using the tractor, for planting, chemical and organic fertilizers, mulching, labor costs, and all over we see that 1 acre = Rs. 1,00,000 will be required if you do it traditionally, but as we are doing it in staking method, it requires 1 acre = Rs. 1,20,000 is required.
But within 70 – 80 days of this tomato crop cultivation, it starts giving the yield, and finally, if we see by reducing all the costs, we can earn Rs. 1,50,000 for 1 acre.
Key Outcomes
Hope that the information we have provided on How to grow tomato crops has been beneficial for you. By growing this tomato crop in the right way, you can earn good profits. As we saw above, use only the staking method to harvest good-quality tomatoes.
Still, if you would like to know more information, you can check out our website.