What Extreme Hunger And Unexplained Weight Loss Could Mean

What Extreme Hunger And Unexplained Weight Loss Could Mean

Types Of Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is an auto immune disorder, characterized by chronic hyperglycemia which results in potentially fatal metabolic dysfunction in the body. They are of two types Type I and Type Il. When an individual is afflicted with type I diabetes, irreversible loss of insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas occur, due to the T-cell mediated autoimmune attack, which may be inherited or virus mediated, depending on one’s lifestyle.

When an individual has Type II diabetes, the body does not produce enough insulin, or becomes insulin resistant. However, both types of diabetes leads to chronically high blood sugar levels. In Type I diabetes, the body does not produce enough insulin hormone required by the body to get glucose from the bloodstream into the body cells. In such a case, an insulin injection is the only option to maintain the appropriate sugar levels in the body, though it causes several symptoms and potentially leads to serious complications.

Diabetes And Health Problems

People with diabetes are also more prone to kidney failure, stroke, nerve damage, heart attack, and other health issues. In uncontrolled diabetes, as blood glucose level remains high, it leads to extreme hunger (polyphagla), This is because, the body is unable to convert the food eaten into energy, as glucose from the blood cannot enter the cells due to a lack of the insulin hormone. Hence, this lack of energy results in increased hunger.

Symptoms Of Type I Diabetes

Diabetes also results in increased thirst (polydipsia) and excessive urination (polyuria). Also, sudden and unexplained weight loss is one of the major symptoms of Type I diabetes. When an individual is afflicted with diabetes, the body does not produce enough insulin and hence, it does not get glucose from the bloodstream.

Thus, the body starts using fat and muscle as a source of energy, leading to reduced body weight. Weight loss is also due to dehydration. This weight loss is also accompanied by extreme and excessive hunger and fatigue, due to the inability to use the glucose present in the body.

Sudden and unexplained weight loss is one of the major symptoms of Type I diabetes

Lifestyle Changes That Can Help

It the above mentioned symptoms are experienced, it is recommended that a person should consult a doctor and discuss it, without delay. However, the best way to balance insulin use and body weight, is to be physically active and to maintain a proper diet, rich in fibre, omega 3 fatty acids, and slow releasing carbohydrate foods.

Health Tip

Diabetes is preventable and sometimes, it can also be reversed by taking a few steps to control blood glucose levels, with a planned and balanced diet.

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