Best Time to Study
Although, there are several medical reasons that make studying in the early hours better than studying at late hours, the choice also depends on the individual’s preference and habits.
For e.g. most students prefer late night studies, because waking up early is pretty much of a tough job for them, while others who are early risers do prefer morning hours to study.
Benefits of Early Morning Study
Researches on the best time to study suggest that students who study early in the morning remember the things for a long time and also learn it in a quick time. Some might not agree to that. However, the reason is quiet simple, early in the morning your body is fully relaxed and you are totally fresh.
All the tensions in your mind were overrun by a good sleep and now your mind is totally free from all worries. Fresh air of the morning makes you feel comfortable and you feel extra power in your body. Since, sleep rejuvenates your mind and body in a mystical manner, in the morning hours you tend to use the full capacity of your brain and body.
A study conducted in 2008 by Texas University concluded that those students identifying themselves as early birds earned a full point higher on their GPAs than those who identified themselves as night owls. This further proves that studying in the wee hours is scientifically better than studying in the late night.
Yet another study claimed that morning people are actually happier than night owls.
One of the online reports also reported that early birds are more likely to exhibit traits like optimism, satisfaction and conscientiousness as opposed to the night owls.
Why Studying at Night Is Not Advised?
Studying in the night takes more time to learn that particular topic. At night students get proper concentration but still they take more time. This is because, all the things that you have done during the day keeps roaming in your mind continuously and distracting you from studies at night, and your brain doesn’t get much room to process it as well.
Late night study can also affect your daily routine. Moreover, research further indicates that people who stay up late are at higher risk for depression. Additionally, other studies on the same subject reveals that night owls are more prone to significant tobacco and alcohol use.