Chinese Video Streaming Platform TikTok has taken over Instagram in various markets including India. Tech Giant Google has joined the race and is set to launch a short video app named Tangi. Google is trying to replicate the TikTok Success wth its new platform Tangi. It is an experimental social video sharing app that includes quick do-it-yourself videos by which you can learn new things on a daily basis. Short Video App is a product from the in-house incubator titled Area 120.
Tangi App comes with 60 Seconds DIY Videos. Users can share how-to videos related to all the categories including art, cooking, craft, beauty, fashion, and lifestyle. You can also share recreation of things you tried with the app’s “Try it Feature” and establish a community between creators and their fans.
Tangi Founder Coco Mao in a blog post said “We only focus on DIY and creativity content. Our platform’s goal is to help people learn to craft, cook and create with quick one-minute videos.”
Unlike all other social video apps, Tangi is not open to all and creators need to apply in order to be a part of the video platform. Thus, Tangi ensures Videos to mainly concentrate on Creativity and DIY activities. Being a Viewer you can search for whatever you want or filter videos based on the category such as cooking, fashion, beauty, lifestyle, art, etc. You can click on the Heart Shape icon to like the video and show your support for the creator.
As of now, the App is only available on the Apple App Store for iOS devices and others can use it through the website. At this point of time, the app is not accepting any videos and shows the content from the creators which Google has partnered with.