Daily Vocabulary from The Hindu – 09th November, 2019
1. Hesitancy (Noun): Meaning: The failure to do something immediately or quickly because you are nervous or
not certain. (संदेह).
Synonyms: Uncertainty, Indecision, Irresolution, Dithering
Antonyms: Decisiveness, Determination, Firmness, Certitude
Example: The PM is not known for his hesitancy in such matters.
2. Repercussion (noun): Meaning: The effect that an action, event, or decision has on something, especially a
bad effect. (प्रतितिया, प्रभाव)
Synonyms: Outcome, Consequence, Upshot, Corollary, Ramification
Antonyms: Cause, Reason, Origin, Basis
Example: Smoking regularly could have serious repercussions.
3. Misconception (noun): Meaning: An idea that is wrong because it has been based on a failure to understand a
situation. (ग़लिफ़हमी, तमथ्या धारणा)
Synonyms: Misunderstanding, Fallacy, Misconstruction, Misapprehension
Antonyms: Fact, Actuality, Verity, Truth
Example: We hope our work will help to change popular misconceptions about disabled people.
4. Fathom (verb): Meaning: Understand (a difficult problem) after much thought. (समझना, बूझना)
Synonyms: Comprehend, Grasp, Perceive, Interpret
Antonyms: Misunderstand, Misread, Misjudge
Example: I still can’t fathom out what she meant.
5. Debilitating (adjective): Meaning: Tending to weaken something. (कमजोरी लानेवाला)
Synonyms: Weakening, Enfeebling, Enervating, Sapping
Antonyms: Fortifying, Invigorating, Revitalising, Restorative
Example: He was hoping for a cure from his debilitating illness.
6. Stir (verb): Meaning: Arouse strong feeling in (someone); move or excite. (उत्तेतजि करना, घबरा देना)
Synonyms: Arouse, Kindle, Inspire, Agitate
Antonyms: Calm, Soothe, Mollify, Placate
Example: The story stirred many memories of my childhood.
7. Impetus (Noun): Meaning: Something that encourages a particular activity or makes that activity more
energetic or effective. (प्रेरणा, प्रोत्साहन)
Synonyms: Motivation, Goading, Stimulus, Incentive
Antonyms: Deterrent, Dissuasion, Damper, Hindrance
Example: The report may provide further impetus for reform.
8. Veer (verb): Meaning: Suddenly change a subject, opinion, etc. (तवषयान्तर करना)
Synonyms: Deviate, Digress, Drift, Diverge, Stray
Antonyms: Focus, Keep to The Point, Stick To The Point, Stay
Example: The conversation eventually veered away from theatrical things.
9. Hallowed (adjective): Meaning: Holy or highly respected. (पतवत्र)
Synonyms: Holy, Sacred, Consecrated, Revered
Antonyms: Profane, Impious, Sacrilegious, Disrespectful
Example: For Muslims, Mecca is hallowed ground.
10. Blithe (adjective): Meaning: Showing a casual and cheerful indifference considered to be improper. (बेपरवाह)
Synonyms: Carefree, Unthinking, Thoughtless, Devil-May-Care
Antonyms: Thoughtful, Considerate, Cautious, Heedful
Example: He shows a blithe disregard for danger.