Why to Say No to Intoxicants While Visiting Sacred Places
When somebody consumes alcohol or intoxicants in the vicinity of certain sacred places, it has some unpredictable effects, because when you are in a divine space and consume alcohol, it will not go down well, as ‘He’ doesn’t like any competition, unless you know how to be! In which case, you can use it as a tool, as certain traditions of tant rics do. The tantrics are in a space within themselves and have a certain awareness which they convert into something else.
Energy And Impact
If you just consume alcohol for pleasure and visiting sacred places, you will find it just won’t work As the more intense these energies are, the more the impact will be. For instance, suppose a person is progressing ¡ntensely on the spiritual path. If he as much as enters, a bar where other people are drinking, he can tall sick, though he himself does not touch a drop! It one has crossed certain boundaries, he can go anywhere, but otherwise, any number of people fall sick like this.
Once you are on a spiritual path your whole energy is towards awareness, towards raising your perception to the highest limit, but alcohol and other intoxicants are about unawareness!
Awareness Versus Unawareness
Once you are on a spiritual path, your whole energy is towards awareness, towards raising your perception to the highest limit, but alcohol and other intoxicants are about unawareness.
Drugs are something that gives you a high for some time and then dumps you In a bad way and in the process of doing this, it just ruins you completely. So when your whole energy Is trying to move in one direction, If you put a chemical that works against your system and wants to take it in another direction, a conflict arises.
Energy And Direction
The same holds true, to some degree for stimulants like tobacco, but not in the same sense. Stimulants aggravate the movement of energy. With spiritual practices like kriya or prana yam, you are aggravating the energy but with a set direction. Tobacco, coffee, tea, and any stimulant aggravates energy without direction. So, in that sense it is negative, but alcohol and drugs are something that works in a totally reverse direction. Hence, it is best avoided, especially if you are visiting a sacred place.