Understanding Incontinence (Part III)

Understanding Incontinence (Part III)

Since the ailment is considered to be embarrassing, incontinent people don’t admit they have a problem, not even to themselves. Therefore, only a small number of those affected, seek their family’s or doctor’s advice.

If you have bladder weakness, remember that you are not alone. Be aware of the problem and talk to your physician about it, Any delay in visiting a doctor can deteriorate the condition, so you shouldn’t wait too long.


For several days before the appointment, keep a urinary diary where you can write down timings of toilet visits and involuntary urinating. This will help the doctor determine the degree and type of problem you are afflicted with.

Regardless of the treatment proposed by the doctor, he or she would also recommend using absorbent products for incontinence which will protect your underwear and ensure comfort throughout the day.

The treatment proposed by your doctor can include non invasive actions like bladder training or Kegel exercises. If these are ineffective, taking medicines or having a surgery in some cases is also advised. For further details, always consult your doctor.

Bladder Training

Bladder training is one of the non-invasive and non- pharmaceutical therapies recommended to people with incontinence. The scheme is set after analysing the urinary diary. One should develop a frequency of emptying the bladder (usually every two-four hours) in order to avoid overfilling it and feeling a strong urge to urinate.

Pelvic Floor Muscle Training

Kegel exercises strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. improving the efficiency of urethral closing at the same time. That is why, people with stress incontinence, pregnant women and new mothers are advised to take them. In thesE exercises, the pelvic muscles are contracted for six-seven seconds and then relaxed for about 20 minutes. To find the right muscles, do a quick test in the toilet by stopping the urine flow for a few seconds, when in the bathroom. The muscles which are active during this test are the ones that should be strengthened with the exercises. The effectiveness of these exercises depends on their regularity.

Choosing A Product

Incontinence can cause inconvenience in everyday life. Incontinent people sometimes isolate themselves as they are embarrassed by their ailment and therefore resign from professional or social activity and try to stay at home always.

But there is no reason to hide from the world. Choose the right product to suit your needs and start to enjoy life. In case of light incontinence, when you lose up to loo ml of urine, use special bladder control pads. They are absorbent and almost invisible. For moderate and heavy incontinence, adult diapers and pull ups are available.

But before choosing absorbents, check it they are breathable and make sure they stop odour. The product has to be dermatologically tested and also flexible to allow the body to move easily. Also, the product shouldn’t contain any latex elements because they may cause irritations.

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