Treating Thyroid Problems With Homeopathy
“Unlike conventional treatment, in homoeopathy, special emphasis is given on characteristic symptoms of the patient, which are not the disease symptoms”
Thyroid Trouble
A self-prescribed thyroid function test by people reflects the growing awareness about the thyroid gland, its functions and importance. It is also an indication of the high incidence of thyroid problems in women, though the reason is unclear.
Rachna, a mother of three children, would get tired easily and forget things. Hence, she consulted a homeopathy expert because she was also experiencing profuse and protracted periods every month, along with progressive weight gain.
After her detailed case history was recorded, she was advised to get a thyroid test done. However, Rachna disclosed that she was already on thyroid medication for the last two years and was apprehensive about seeing a specialist for fear of her dosage being increased.
Such cases are frequently brought forward to homeopaths, whereby a patient is already on medication, but still continues to have various problems. At times, some patients also come after the investigation is done and it the result is positive for a thyroid problem, they want to start homoeopathic treatment.
The Thyroid Gland
The thyroid gland is a small butterfly shaped gland located just below the Adam’s apple around the trachea. Its main function is to release the thyroid hormones T3 and T4 which in turn are responsible for the numerous metabolic processes throughout the body. The thyroid hormones regulate each and every system of the body, be it the digestive system, cardiovascular system, skin or the reproductive system.
Thyroid disorders can vary from simple small enlargement of the gland which is called goitre to life threatening cancer. However, the most common problems that can cause symptoms because of the over functioning or the under functioning of the thyroid gland are hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.
Lifestyle Changes
Regular exercise and maintaining a healthy diet are two vital things for any metabolic disease and managing stress by meditation or yoga helps in reducing the symptoms associated with this problem.
The Role Of Homoeopathy In Treatment
Homoeopathy treats the patient and not the disease. Each and every patient who comes to a homoeopath is unique and treatment is customised. It is seen that thyroid problems are very common in females and usually patients have multiple problems. However, the first step is to take a detailed case history of the patient which includes her physical, emotional and mental picture and also her lifestyle investigations.
Unlike conventional treatment, in homoeopathy, special emphasis is given on characteristic symptoms of the patient which are not the disease symptoms. This approach makes the treatment holistic and enhances the general well-being of the patient with complete restoration of health. This is why, when patients come for treating their thyroid problem and continue the homoeopathic treatment regularly, there is marked improvement in other ailments too.
Homoeopathy has a wide range of medicines to address thyroid problems, but it has to be taken after consultation with a qualified homoeopath as the medicine is prescribed according to the constitution of the patient. They are absolutely safe and have no side effects and not habit forming. These medicines are highly effective and especially useful for people who want to avoid the side effects of the prescription drugs and dependency as well. Some of the important medicines are calcarea carb, sepia, lycopodium, thyroidinum, bromium, iodum etc.
Symptoms Of Hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland fails to produce enough thyroid hormones. This can be due to an autoimmune disease of thyroid, in which antibodies are formed against the thyroid gland and it starts attacking it. The signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism depend upon the severity of hormone deficiency.
At first, the symptoms of hypothyroidism are not very apparent such as fatigue and weight gain or patients believe that ageing is responsible for this. But as the metabolism continues to slow down, the symptoms become more obvious.
Symptoms like fatigue, lethargy, mood swings, impaired memory, slow heart rate, cold intolerance, hoarseness, puffy face and eyes, dry skin, brittle nails, hair fall, progressive weight gain, constipation, menstrual Irregularities, infertility, body aches and muscle cramps, loss of interest, lack of appetite etc. are experienced.
Hyperthyroidism results when the thyroid gland produces excessive thyroid hormones.
- Rapid heartbeat (tachycardia)
- Loss of weight in spite of having good appetite
- Anxiety, nervousness, irritability, restlessness, fatigue
- Tremors – usually a fine shaking in the hands and fingers
- Sweating
- Irregularity in menstrual patterns
- Heat intolerance
- Increased bowel movements
- Decreased concentration
- Difficulty in sleeping
- Swelling at the base of the neck which is an enlarged thyroid gland (goitre)