Managing Multiple Roles In Your Life
Managing multiple roles is time consuming. Sometimes, if your plate is too full, it may make you feel overwhelmed. Though this can be difficult for some people, learning to manage multiple roles efficiently can bring you a feeling of tranquility, calm and acceptance at the same time. Here’s some tips on how to sail through life that involves a variety of interests and multiple roles and how to make it meaningful.
Every few months, take some hours to re-assess your vision, needs, and purpose for each of the roles so that you can keep your mind, heart, and eyes focussed in the direction you wish to be moving with each role. Then, at the start of each week, plan your week around these roles.
Identify the roles that’ll bring you maximum value. It’s most likely for you not being able to maintain the same pace with everything but take heart for that’s not necessary. If you concentrate on specific goals and priorities, you’ll be able to reduce your commitments and work according to a manageable schedule.
Try to develop the perception that managing multiple roles is a challenge instead of being a pain. Consider this challenge as a personal goal instead of seeing it as one of the strain triggering factors that may lead to potential failure.
There’re times when it seems almost impossible to perform what’s necessary in some of the roles. In these situations, it greatly helps to engage in activities that reduce feelings of stress. So, if you sail through life with a bunch of different hats, think constructively about them. If possible, try to reduce the number of roles as it’ll simplify your life and let you enjoy a sense of well-being.