Living Life To Its Fullest!

Living Life To Its Fullest!

“It involves the feeling of contentment, of enjoying the simple pleasures of life, of self-confidence, a sense of worth and high self-esteem”

We hear, see and read about multitudes of advice regarding our physical health and illness, but how often do we ponder on our mental well-being? Mental well-being is truly essential to help fight the body’s physical troubles and does not just end with the idea of happiness. It involves the feeling of contentment, of enjoying the simple pleasures of life, of self-confidence, a sense of worth and high self-esteem. Here are some ways to kick stress and boredom out of your life and to live it to the fullest!

Have A Good Laugh
There is nothing like laughter to lighten up the mind – the effect is both immediate and long-term, if you have a good laugh with a group of friends, or by watching a comedy film or a show, or by reading of some classics. Our facial and neck muscles relax and sorrows disappear. Laughter helps lower blood pressure, reduces stress levels by releasing endorphins which act as pain relievers and also boosts immunity.

Laugh Your Way To Good Health

Get Active
Be it walking, cycling, swimming or aerobics, regular exercise is a potent weapon against stress. A sustained exercise regime is known to release endorphins from our brain. These feel-good neurotransmitters have a specific effect on improving our mental well-being. Yoga can also be practised for a disciplined mind and body.

Pay Attention To Your Diet

A balanced diet with adequate complex carbohydrates, protein, low fat, vitamins and fluids is essential especially during the growing phases of life. Hence, a number of dietary deficiencies can insidiously affect mental well-being. Essential focus should be on certain substances like thiamine – a vitamin found in whole grain cereals, pulses, fruits and vegetables, folate found in greens, vitamin B 12 a useful constituent in meat, fish, sprouts and whole grain cereals. Tryptophan, a constituent of protein is known to boost mental health.

A good serving of protein either in lentils, meat, eggs, milk or nuts should be an essential component of every meal. Look for variety in your diet. This will help supply micronutrients, which we often lose out on.

Fish or flax seeds are rich in omega 3 fatty oils and are essential foods known to improve mental health. Adequate fluid intake to compensate for an average daily loss of two to two and a half litres per day is necessary too, as dehydration leads to confusion, poor mental reasoning and a general lack of energy. Also avoid excessive caffeine as it is not recommended for long-term health.

Hear Music That Soothes You
Music therapy is a well known tool in the treatment of various ailments and has a tremendous psychological benefit. Your favourite music not only has the potential to provide you with entertainment, it can also have a calming effect on you and can act as a natural pain soother by releasing endorphins.

Rely On Your Support Systems

Feelings of sadness, facing a tragedy or a change in finances are occasional setbacks in everyone’s life. Your partner and immediate family are your support group in times like these and help you cope. However, each bad phase should motivate you to come out and go ahead with the help of your family.

Learning a new skill or activity helps increase self-esteem and confidence. Learning to play a musical instrument, a new language or group activities like brain games, or revisiting a long forgotten hobby can cheer you up greatly. It sharpens the mind and with improved reflexes and most problems can be tackled with renewed vigour.

“A good serving of protein either in lentils, meat, eggs, milk or nuts should be an essential component of every meal”

Renew Old Ties
Making new friends, renewing old ties with childhood friends, or revisiting memories with school mates help you refocus on what you have achieved. They increase your level of worthiness and the ability to face more challenges ahead.

Don’t Miss Out On Being Happy

These simple everyday tools should help you attain a sense of calm and contentment in your life. Savour and live each moment with your family and friends. Simple pleasures of life like admiring a sunset, the fragrance of flowers or a lovely piece of art – don’t miss out on life’s golden opportunities to be happy.

Live not just for yourself but for others too. A sense of giving and sharing, being in a good relationship, a good home and work environment, boosts your ability to take whatever life gives you and live it to the fullest.

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