Here’s How You Can Make Your Teeth Happy!
“Maintain proper oral hygiene to help tackle dental problems like tooth decay, root canal, cavity build-up and other such discomforts”
A sparkly smile is the biggest reason for you to keep your teeth and gums in the healthiest condition. Healthy teeth begets a charming smile and moreover, a sparkling white smile boosts your overall persona. But to maintain that healthy smile throughout your life, it’s important to practice good dental habits early on, in life. Also, there are simple ways that can help you to keep your teeth healthy and strong right from childhood to old age.
A happy set of teeth will not only enhance your oral health but will also help uplift your overall appearance, so going by the popular adage, prevention is better than cure’, it is essential to maintain proper oral hygiene to help tackle dental problems like tooth decay, root canal, cavity build-up and other such discomforts. Thus, here are some tips to get healthy, pearly white teeth.
Rules For Great Dental Health
Maintain Hygiene
Though dental hygiene amongst children is of prime importance. it’s always a task for parents to convince their children to take proper care for their teeth. However, the first step towards gaining happy teeth is to improve your child’s brushing techniques. Follow a regular teeth brushing routine with your child. Supervise and show them the right technique to brush by brushing with them.
Invest in the right kind of toothbrush with soft bristles that remove the food particles which will consequently reduce the risk of gum infections. Tongue cleaning should also be a regular ritual after brushing, as this helps remove deposited bacteria and plaque formation. Similarly, bacteria get formulated even on the toothbrush, so its necessary to replace the toothbrush once it gets worn out. If you are using dentures, it is essential to periodically clean them and take them out of the mouth at least four hours in a day, to maintain the healthy lining of your mouth.
Brush Up Your Flossing Skills
Although a good toothbrush and toothpaste help in cleansing your teeth, it’s almost impossible for a brush to clean the spaces in between your tooth, thus failing to destroy plaque formation and bacteria. Thus, it’s always advisable to floss after brushing, since not all germs and bacteria get wiped out with brushing. Dental flossing tights tartar built-up and thus leaves you with bacteria-free teeth.
By flossing, you can reach the nooks and crannies of your teeth which need to be kept hygienic like the rest of your mouth to maintain good oral hygiene. Irregular flossing causes breeding of bacteria in the areas underneath the gums and teeth which eventually leads to plaque development. However, along with flossing you also need to rinse your mouth at regular intervals after eating. Additionally, rinsing with a good mouthwash will help keep tooth decay away.
Quit Smoking And Chewing Tobacco
If you aspire to have happy teeth, smoking and the chewing of tobacco are major barriers. These habits not only have adverse effects on your body, but will also destroy your oral health. The consumption of cigarettes and tobacco will cause the enamel of your teeth to become yellow, it will increase bad breath and affects the normal functioning of gum tissues, It also causes other gum related problems, periodontal diseases and oral infections.
Avoid Bingeing On Sweets
The key to having happy teeth is directly connected to the kind of food you eat. Thus, along with following good dental habits, you also need to follow a healthy diet. Avoid the consumption of foods that have plenty of sugar as this will definitely increase the acidic level in your mouth, thus attacking the outer surface of your tooth enamel leading to problematic dental conditions.
Also, refrain from having milk at night, as milk causes sugar to deposit on the teeth throughout the night and this is the major cause of cavities. Besides, stay away from soft drinks and aerated drinks as they cause great damage to your teeth due to their high acidic content. Instead, consume a high protein diet and well balanced diet that will make your gums strong. Also, cut down on tea and coffee consumption.
Go For Regular Dental Check Ups
Regular dental check-ups are very essential for maintaining good dental health and to prevent tooth decay. The dentist will be able to detect any kind of dental issue at an early stage and advise preventive measures to avoid future problems. Irregular dental visits translate to being ignorant about various dental issues taking shape in your mouth, resulting in delayed treatment and prevention.