Dairy Products Help Shed Fat
Besides being extremely nutritious and also a well- known source of protein, dairy products are popular throughout India. The significance of dairy is well documented but what is more interesting is that new evidence has come to light in recent years, stating that consuming milk can actually help in weight loss and make one more healthy.
Role Of Vitamin D
Vitamin D is abundant in dairy products and has a variety of uses for the human body. It can help with calcium deficiencies in the bones, can help in regulating blood pressure and even in treating certain heart conditions. Overall, vitamin D ¡s critical for the better functioning of the human body with a variety of uses.
Researchers have also recently found that the vitamin D contained in dairy products can also help to deliver calories in to the muscles rather than fat and thus aid in weight loss.
How Calcium Helps
The importance of this mineral for the human body is common knowledge. Ideally, it is seen as a bone building mineral. Therefore, it is very important to maintain the calcium content in your body for better physical health.
Additionally, calcium found in dairy products can actually help in slowing down the growth of fat cells to a significant level. At the same time, it is also advised that meaningful weight loss from consuming dairy products can only be achieved by combining it with a weight loss diet.
People who consume fruit juice instead of milk in the morning have been found to accumulate significantly more calories. This is because skim milk actually contains 8.5 per cent less fat than non dairy drinks. It has also been proven that people who consume dairy as part of a diet plan have much more chances of losing weight and looking slim compared to people who do not include dairy products in their diet plans, Overall, it looks like dairy s your friend in your quest to shed tat and look better.
It has been proven that people who consume dairy products as part of a diet plan have much more chances of losing weight and looking slim compared to people who do not include dairy products in their diet plans.
The Lemonade Detox Diet
The lemonade diet, famously known as the master cleanse, ’is a detox diet. Detox diets are based on the principle that one should allow rest to the body organs and clean the system by removing toxins. This requires intake of liquids so that the organs are not overworked. It is a liquid diet and consists of three drinks that include: a beverage usually lemonade, salt water and herbal tea. This is a 10 days process.
Salt Water Flush
- Add one teaspoon of sea salt in one litre of water and drink it all at once.
- It is better to be done at home because one can feel bowel movement within one hour of consuming the drink.
- This will last for about 30-60 minutes.
Herbal Laxative Tea
This tea should be taken twice a day and preferably in the morning and evening.
Instructions For The Diet
- This routine should be followed for 10 days continuously.
- No solid food should be taken in this duration.
- After 10 days, gradually add quantities of food to your diet.
- Start including juices and soups or any other liquids.
- As days progress, one can add fruits and vegetables.
- No dairy products should be included.
- As the days progress, one can proceed to a normal diet but avoid milk, eggs and meat.
- Since one will be consuming laxative tea, make sure to observe at least three bowel movements in a day. This will ensure sufficient waste removal.
- This diet should be followed with a proper schedule.
- This diet is not applicable when one is on vacation or after surgery or with improper job routines.
- Make sure you are at home or nearby.
- One should drink at least 6-12 glasses of lemonade in a day or whenever one experience hunger pangs.
Conclusion: You need to be aware that this ¡s a detox diet and a temporary way to reduce weight. You are likely to gain back weight if you do not follow a healthy lifestyle. This diet will surely help you to flush out toxins and will give you glowing healthy skin as well as help you lose weight. However, this diet should not exceed 10 days because it deprives the body of other nutrients and may cause deficiencies. Exercise is a must and remember that any physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day should be sufficient to maintain weight.
Lemonade Ingredients
- 2 tablespoons lemon juice/lime
- 1/10th teaspoon maple syrup
- ½ teaspoon of cayenne pepper
- 10 ounces water (cold/hot as preferred)
One should drink 6-12 glasses of this every day specially when one feels hungry.